A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardising root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements
In the context of a recent massive increase in research on plant root functions and their
impact on the environment, root ecologists currently face many important challenges to keep …
impact on the environment, root ecologists currently face many important challenges to keep …
Halophytic clonal plant species: Important functional aspects for existence in heterogeneous saline habitats
G Ievinsh - Plants, 2023 - mdpi.com
Plant modularity-related traits are important ecological determinants of vegetation
composition, dynamics, and resilience. While simple changes in plant biomass resulting …
composition, dynamics, and resilience. While simple changes in plant biomass resulting …
Response of clonal versus non-clonal herbs to disturbance: Different strategies revealed
Disturbance is an omnipresent selective factor that shapes plant strategies. While annual
species that rely on rapid generative reproduction dominate in habitats frequently affected …
species that rely on rapid generative reproduction dominate in habitats frequently affected …
Allocation to clonal growth: Critical questions and protocols to answer them
For clonal plants, spatial spread within a site is primarily determined by production of new
ramets, which suggests that allocation to this function is a key component of the population …
ramets, which suggests that allocation to this function is a key component of the population …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of temporal heterogeneity in nutrient supply on intra-and inter-genet competition of a clonal herb
Nutrients are often released heterogeneously over time (eg, in pulses) in natural habitats.
Different genotypes of the same plant species may vary in their responses to temporal …
Different genotypes of the same plant species may vary in their responses to temporal …
Motherly care: how Leymus chinensis ramets support their offspring exposed to saline-alkali and clip** stresses
Background While clonal integration can improve the performance of rhizomatous plants, it
remains unclear whether their clonal integration strategy changes under contrasting clip** …
remains unclear whether their clonal integration strategy changes under contrasting clip** …
Nitrogen deposition regulates the clonal growth of Leymus chinensis, a typical clonal plant in arid and semi-arid regions
L Liu, CY Zhou, X Pei, LZ Guo, JH Li, RX Wu… - International Journal of …, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of nitrogen (N) deposition on
clonal growth in a rhizome clonal plant, Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel …
clonal growth in a rhizome clonal plant, Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of UV-B radiation on morphological plasticity, foraging responses and turion of Potamogeton crispus.
JQ Wang, YZ Song - Applied Ecology & Environmental Research, 2023 - epa.niif.hu
Potamogeton crispus is an important species in purifying water and maintaining a healthy
aquatic ecosystem. To find the effect of UV-B radiation on the life history of P. crispus, the …
aquatic ecosystem. To find the effect of UV-B radiation on the life history of P. crispus, the …
Vegetative reproduction in **uicula heterophylla (Lentibulariaceae): differential role of aboveground and belowground biomass
AL Mendoza-Pérez, DM Figueroa-Castro - Brazilian Journal of Botany, 2023 - Springer
Asexual reproduction is a common phenomenon in plants. Diverse studies have found a
positive relationship between both aboveground and belowground biomass and the …
positive relationship between both aboveground and belowground biomass and the …
Differences in vegetative growth of two invasive hawkweeds at temperatures simulating invaded habitats at two altitudes
K French, E Watts - Scientific Reports, 2020 - nature.com
Hieracium pilosella and H. aurantiacum are invading alpine regions in New South Wales,
Australia. In a glasshouse experiment we investigated germination and growth rates of these …
Australia. In a glasshouse experiment we investigated germination and growth rates of these …