[HTML][HTML] Fisiología de semillas recalcitrantes de árboles tropicales
S Magnitskiy, G Plaza - Agronomía colombiana, 2007 - scielo.org.co
Las semillas recalcitrantes se caracterizan por su sensibilidad a la deshidratación y una
rápida pérdida de viabilidad posterior a la diseminación, lo que implica limitaciones graves …
rápida pérdida de viabilidad posterior a la diseminación, lo que implica limitaciones graves …
Experimentos en fisiología vegetal
Este libro busca promover la experimentación, la profundización y la familiarización con
temas relacionados con la fisiología vegetal y el uso de metodologías bioquímicas como …
temas relacionados con la fisiología vegetal y el uso de metodologías bioquímicas como …
[PDF][PDF] Relación entre la tasa de imbibición y el porcentaje de germinación en semillas de maíz (Zea mays L.), caraota (Phaseoulus vulgaris L.) y quinchoncho …
JRM Natera, JFM Pinto, NM Mata - UDO Agrícola, 2018 - academia.edu
The objective was to determine the relationship between imbibition rata and germination
percentage of seed of maize (Zea mays L.) treated and untreated with vitavax (Carboxin) …
percentage of seed of maize (Zea mays L.) treated and untreated with vitavax (Carboxin) …
[HTML][HTML] Pre-Germinative Treatments and Morphophysiological Traits in Enterolobium cyclocarpum and Piscidia piscipula (Fabaceae) from the Yucatan Peninsula …
TM Arceo-Gómez, E Robles-Díaz… - Plants, 2022 - mdpi.com
Enterolobium cyclocarpum and Piscidia piscipula are two important tree Fabaceae species
distributed from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Our aims were focused on the E …
distributed from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Our aims were focused on the E …
Anatomía e histoquímica de la semilla del cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) criollo mexicano
El presente estudio contribuye al conocimiento del ovulo, saco embrionario, anatomía e
histoquímica de la semilla del cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) mexicano criollo'Carmelo'y la …
histoquímica de la semilla del cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) mexicano criollo'Carmelo'y la …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment on seed germination and seedling growth in maize (Zea mays L.)
E Isaac A, C Hernández A, A Domínguez… - Agronomía …, 2011 - scielo.org.co
The application of magnetic fields appears to produce changes in some physiological
processes of plants, including encouraging their development. This study reports the effects …
processes of plants, including encouraging their development. This study reports the effects …
Effect of seed age on germination, seedling survival and growth of Mimosa luisana (Leguminosae)
Key message Mimosa luisana seeds germinate after 7 years of storage, suggesting that they
have a long span life; an interesting characteristic for environmental restoration of semi-arid …
have a long span life; an interesting characteristic for environmental restoration of semi-arid …
[HTML][HTML] Efecto de la imbibición en la calidad fisiológica de semillas de jitomate
C Pérez Mendoza, G Carrillo Castañeda… - Revista mexicana de …, 2016 - scielo.org.mx
Para contrarrestar los efectos negativos del proceso degenerativo en semillas, se han
empleado diversos tratamientos pregerminativos con éxito parcial en diversas especies …
empleado diversos tratamientos pregerminativos con éxito parcial en diversas especies …
Seed quality of 22 quinoa materials (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) from the department of Boyacá
Chenopodium quinoa Willd. is a pseudocereal with seeds that are a rich source of vitamins
and minerals. However, there are few studies on quinoa seed quality, especially for the …
and minerals. However, there are few studies on quinoa seed quality, especially for the …
[PDF][PDF] Functional diversity in seeds and its implications for ecosystem functionality and restoration ecology
A Orozco-Segovia… - Functional diversity of …, 2009 - researchgate.net
Functional diversity may be several orders of magnitude above species diversity, because in
organisms it is expressed in a wide number of temporal and spatial scales. This means that …
organisms it is expressed in a wide number of temporal and spatial scales. This means that …