A systematic literature review of techniques and metrics to reduce the cost of mutation testing
Historically, researchers have proposed and applied many techniques to reduce the cost of
mutation testing. It has become difficult to find all techniques and to understand the cost …
mutation testing. It has become difficult to find all techniques and to understand the cost …
Mutation testing advances: an analysis and survey
Mutation testing realizes the idea of using artificial defects to support testing activities.
Mutation is typically used as a way to evaluate the adequacy of test suites, to guide the …
Mutation is typically used as a way to evaluate the adequacy of test suites, to guide the …
Pit: a practical mutation testing tool for java
Mutation testing introduces artificial defects to measure the adequacy of testing. In case
candidate tests can distinguish the behaviour of mutants from that of the original program …
candidate tests can distinguish the behaviour of mutants from that of the original program …
Predictive mutation testing
Mutation testing is a powerful methodology for evaluating test suite quality. In mutation
testing, a large number of mutants are generated and executed against the test suite to …
testing, a large number of mutants are generated and executed against the test suite to …
Comparing white-box and black-box test prioritization
Although white-box regression test prioritization has been well-studied, the more recently
introduced black-box prioritization approaches have neither been compared against each …
introduced black-box prioritization approaches have neither been compared against each …
An empirical study on mutation, statement and branch coverage fault revelation that avoids the unreliable clean program assumption
Many studies suggest using coverage concepts, such as branch coverage, as the starting
point of testing, while others as the most prominent test quality indicator. Yet the relationship …
point of testing, while others as the most prominent test quality indicator. Yet the relationship …
Are mutation scores correlated with real fault detection? a large scale empirical study on the relationship between mutants and real faults
Empirical validation of software testing studies is increasingly relying on mutants. This
practice is motivated by the strong correlation between mutant scores and real fault …
practice is motivated by the strong correlation between mutant scores and real fault …
Threats to the validity of mutation-based test assessment
Much research on software testing and test techniques relies on experimental studies based
on mutation testing. In this paper we reveal that such studies are vulnerable to a potential …
on mutation testing. In this paper we reveal that such studies are vulnerable to a potential …
Higher order mutation testing: A systematic literature review
Mutation testing is the process whereby a fault is deliberately inserted into a software
system, in order to assess the quality of test data, in terms of its ability to find this fault …
system, in order to assess the quality of test data, in terms of its ability to find this fault …
Detecting trivial mutant equivalences via compiler optimisations
Mutation testing realises the idea of fault-based testing, ie, using artificial defects to guide
the testing process. It is used to evaluate the adequacy of test suites and to guide test case …
the testing process. It is used to evaluate the adequacy of test suites and to guide test case …