Construction and evolution of igneous bodies: Towards an integrated perspective of crustal magmatism
Field, geochronological and geophysical studies show that many igneous bodies are
emplaced incrementally, growing by accretion of successive magma sheets. The existence …
emplaced incrementally, growing by accretion of successive magma sheets. The existence …
Physical controls and depth of emplacement of igneous bodies: A review
T Menand - Tectonophysics, 2011 - Elsevier
The formation and growth of magma bodies are now recognised as involving the
amalgamation of successive, discrete pulses such as sills. Sills would thus represent the …
amalgamation of successive, discrete pulses such as sills. Sills would thus represent the …
Lateral magma flow in mafic sill complexes
The structure of upper crustal magma plumbing systems controls the distribution of
volcanism and influences tectonic processes. However, delineating the structure and …
volcanism and influences tectonic processes. However, delineating the structure and …
Growth of plutons by incremental emplacement of sheets in crystal-rich host: Evidence from Miocene intrusions of the Colorado River region, Nevada, USA
Growing evidence supports the notion that plutons are constructed incrementally, commonly
over long periods of time, yet field evidence for the multiple injections that seem to be …
over long periods of time, yet field evidence for the multiple injections that seem to be …
Geometry and controls on the development of igneous sill–related forced folds: A 2-D seismic reflection case study from offshore southern Australia
Emplacement of magma in the shallow subsurface can result in the development of dome-
shaped folds at the Earth's surface. These so-called “forced folds” have been described in …
shaped folds at the Earth's surface. These so-called “forced folds” have been described in …
Modeling the growth of laccoliths and large mafic sills: Role of magma body forces
The use of elastic plate theory to model the emplacement of laccoliths and large mafic sills
has been debated for nearly 40 years. These intrusions typically attain a horizontal width …
has been debated for nearly 40 years. These intrusions typically attain a horizontal width …
Controls on the expression of igneous intrusions in seismic reflection data
C Magee, SM Maharaj, T Wrona… - …, 2015 -
The architecture of subsurface magma plumbing systems influences a variety of igneous
processes, including the physiochemical evolution of magma and extrusion sites. Seismic …
processes, including the physiochemical evolution of magma and extrusion sites. Seismic …
Dyke propagation and sill formation in a compressive tectonic environment
Sills could potentially form as a result of dykes modifying their trajectory in response to
remote tectonic compression. Here, we use analogue experiments to investigate how a …
remote tectonic compression. Here, we use analogue experiments to investigate how a …
[HTML][HTML] Structure, emplacement mechanism and magma-flow significance of igneous fingers–Implications for sill emplacement in sedimentary basins
Field and seismic observations show that numerous sills exhibit lobate morphologies. Each
lobe corresponds to a distinct igneous segment exhibiting a finger-like shape, the long axis …
lobe corresponds to a distinct igneous segment exhibiting a finger-like shape, the long axis …
Laboratory modelling of volcano plumbing systems: a review
We review the numerous experimental studies dedicated to unravelling the physics and
dynamics of various parts of a volcanic plumbing system. Section 1 lists the model materials …
dynamics of various parts of a volcanic plumbing system. Section 1 lists the model materials …