Performance enhancement of the average spectral efficiency using an aperture averaging and spatial-coherence diversity based on the modified-PPM modulation for …
The performance evaluation and enhancement of the proposed model for a free-space
optical (FSO) communication links using the modified pulse-position modulation (MPPM) …
optical (FSO) communication links using the modified pulse-position modulation (MPPM) …
Design of 320 Gbps hybrid AMI-PDM-WDM FSO link and its performance comparison with traditional models under diverse weather conditions
A comprehensive design is proposed for alternate mark inversion (AMI)-encoded free-space
optical (FSO) communication system by hybridizing polarization division multiplexing (PDM) …
optical (FSO) communication system by hybridizing polarization division multiplexing (PDM) …
Performance investigation of 40 GB/s DWDM over free space optical communication system using RZ modulation format
We successfully demonstrate 40 GB/s 8 channels' Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
(DWDM) over free space optical (FSO) communication system. Each channel is transmitting …
(DWDM) over free space optical (FSO) communication system. Each channel is transmitting …
Design of 16× 40 Gbps hybrid PDM-WDM FSO communication system and its performance comparison with the traditional model under diverse weather conditions of …
A comprehensive design is proposed for free-space optical (FSO) communication system by
hybridizing polarization division multiplexing (PDM) with wavelength division multiplexing …
hybridizing polarization division multiplexing (PDM) with wavelength division multiplexing …
PolSK and ASK modulation techniques based BER analysis of WDM-FSO system for under turbulence conditions
This paper details a novel model of Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) system using
Polarization Shift Keying (PolSK) modulation to increase the capacity of a Free-Space …
Polarization Shift Keying (PolSK) modulation to increase the capacity of a Free-Space …
Cooperative output feedback tracking control of stochastic linear heterogeneous multiagent systems
D Li, T Li - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We study cooperative output feedback tracking control of stochastic linear heterogeneous
leader-following multiagent systems. Each agent has a conti-nuous-time linear …
leader-following multiagent systems. Each agent has a conti-nuous-time linear …
Optimal ALOHA-like random access with heterogeneous QoS guarantees for multi-packet reception aided visible light communications
There is a paucity of random access protocols designed for alleviating collisions in visible
light communication (VLC) systems, where carrier sensing is hard to achieve due to the …
light communication (VLC) systems, where carrier sensing is hard to achieve due to the …
A QoS-driven random access algorithm for MPR-capable VLC system
Carrier sensing can mitigate collisions in carrier sense multiple access systems. However,
its effectiveness is significantly limited by the directionality of light in visible light …
its effectiveness is significantly limited by the directionality of light in visible light …
Free space optical system design using particle swarm optimization
The performance of the free‐space optical (FSO) communication system is severely affected
by atmospheric properties and misalignment between transmitter‐receiver sections. These …
by atmospheric properties and misalignment between transmitter‐receiver sections. These …
Admission control algorithm for visible light communication random access network under delay and jitter constraints
H Sun, Z Liu, C Wang, D Li - The Computer Journal, 2024 - academic.oup.com
This paper proposes a random access network admission control algorithm under delay and
jitter constraints to efficiently guarantee the quality of service of a visible light communication …
jitter constraints to efficiently guarantee the quality of service of a visible light communication …