Controlling phonons and photons at the wavelength scale: integrated photonics meets integrated phononics
Radio-frequency communication systems have long used bulk-and surface-acoustic-wave
devices supporting ultrasonic mechanical waves to manipulate and sense signals. These …
devices supporting ultrasonic mechanical waves to manipulate and sense signals. These …
Quantum computing: an overview across the system stack
Quantum computers, if fully realized, promise to be a revolutionary technology. As a result,
quantum computing has become one of the hottest areas of research in the last few years …
quantum computing has become one of the hottest areas of research in the last few years …
Building a fault-tolerant quantum computer using concatenated cat codes
We present a comprehensive architectural analysis for a proposed fault-tolerant quantum
computer based on cat codes concatenated with outer quantum error-correcting codes. For …
computer based on cat codes concatenated with outer quantum error-correcting codes. For …
Quantum state preparation and tomography of entangled mechanical resonators
Precisely engineered mechanical oscillators keep time, filter signals and sense motion,
making them an indispensable part of the technological landscape of today. These unique …
making them an indispensable part of the technological landscape of today. These unique …
Hardware-efficient quantum random access memory with hybrid quantum acoustic systems
Hybrid quantum systems in which acoustic resonators couple to superconducting qubits are
promising quantum information platforms. High quality factors and small mode volumes …
promising quantum information platforms. High quality factors and small mode volumes …
Parity measurement in the strong dispersive regime of circuit quantum acoustodynamics
Mechanical resonators are emerging as an important new platform for quantum science and
technologies. A large number of proposals for using them to store, process and transduce …
technologies. A large number of proposals for using them to store, process and transduce …
Resolving the energy levels of a nanomechanical oscillator
The quantum nature of an oscillating mechanical object is anything but apparent. The
coherent states that describe the classical motion of a mechanical oscillator do not have a …
coherent states that describe the classical motion of a mechanical oscillator do not have a …
A mechanical qubit
Although strong nonlinear interactions between quantized excitations are an important
resource for quantum technologies based on bosonic oscillator modes, most …
resource for quantum technologies based on bosonic oscillator modes, most …
Two-dimensional optomechanical crystal cavity with high quantum cooperativity
Optomechanical systems offer new opportunities in quantum information processing and
quantum sensing. Many solid-state quantum devices operate at millikelvin temperatures …
quantum sensing. Many solid-state quantum devices operate at millikelvin temperatures …
A perspective on hybrid quantum opto-and electromechanical systems
Quantum opto-and electromechanical systems interface mechanical motion with the
electromagnetic modes of optical resonators and microwave circuits. The capabilities and …
electromagnetic modes of optical resonators and microwave circuits. The capabilities and …