[CARTE][B] The craft of information visualization: readings and reflections

B Bederson - 2003 - books.google.com
Since the beginning of the computer age, researchers from many disciplines have sought to
facilitate people's use of computers and to provide ways for scientists to make sense of the …

Assessing the impact of internet agent on end users' performance

RE Hostler, VY Yoon, T Guimaraes - Decision Support Systems, 2005 - Elsevier
Intelligent software agents that can perform tasks on the user's behalf independently of direct
control of the user themselves, promise to evolutionize the way in which we use the Internet …

Factors affecting online tourism group buying and the moderating role of loyalty

MJ Kim, CK Lee, N Chung… - Journal of Travel …, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Online group buying has become increasingly prevalent, and people frequently shop on
group buying (GB) sites. This study examines the relationships among transaction cost …

A longitudinal study on information-seeking knowledge in psychology undergraduates: Exploring the role of information literacy instruction and working memory …

T Rosman, AK Mayer, G Krampen - Computers & Education, 2016 - Elsevier
No longitudinal studies on whether the acquisition information literacy requires formal
instruction or whether it just develops “naturally” have yet been published. Moreover, no …

When will information retrieval be" good enough"?

J Allan, B Carterette, J Lewis - … of the 28th annual international ACM …, 2005 - dl.acm.org
We describe a user study that examined the relationship between the quality of an
Information Retrieval system and the effectiveness of its users in performing a task. The task …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation and evolution of a browse and search interface: Relation Browser.

J Zhang, G Marchionini - dg. o, 2005 - Citeseer
We present in this paper the design and an evaluation of a novel interface called the
Relation Browser++(RB++) for searching and browsing large information collections. RB++ …

A review of research on human‐computer interfaces for online information retrieval systems

SM Zabed Ahmed, C McKnight… - The Electronic Library, 2009 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this article is to review the research on human‐computer interfaces
for library‐based commercial online information retrieval (IR) systems. Design/methodology …

NewSQL database management system compiler errors: Effectiveness and usefulness

T Taipalus, H Grahn - International Journal of Human–Computer …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Modern database management is often faced with a high number of concurrent end-users,
and the need for database distribution to ensure fault tolerance and high throughput. To …

On the pitfalls of bibliographic database searching: Comparing successful and less successful users

T Rosman, AK Mayer, G Krampen - Behaviour & Information …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This article investigates individual factors that determine success and failure in bibliographic
database searching. In line with previous research, we hypothesised that the low usability of …

The end of zero-hit queries: Query previews for NASA's global change master directory

S Greene, E Tanin, C Plaisant, B Shneiderman… - International Journal on …, 1999 - Springer
Abstract The Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory (HCIL) of the University of Maryland
and NASA have collaborated over three years to refine and apply user interface research …