Semiconductor qubits in practice
In the past decade, semiconducting qubits have made great strides in overcoming
decoherence, improving the prospects for scalability and have become one of the leading …
decoherence, improving the prospects for scalability and have become one of the leading …
Toward quantitative bio-sensing with nitrogen–vacancy center in diamond
The long-dreamed-of capability of monitoring the molecular machinery in living systems has
not been realized yet, mainly due to the technical limitations of current sensing technologies …
not been realized yet, mainly due to the technical limitations of current sensing technologies …
Recent developments of nanodiamond quantum sensors for biological applications
Measuring certain quantities at the nanoscale is often limited to strict conditions such as low
temperature or vacuum. However, the recently developed nanodiamond (ND) quantum …
temperature or vacuum. However, the recently developed nanodiamond (ND) quantum …
Fluorescent nanocarbons: from synthesis and structure to cancer imaging and therapy
Nanocarbons are emerging at the forefront of nanoscience, with diverse carbon nanoforms
emerging over the past two decades. Early cancer diagnosis and therapy, driven by …
emerging over the past two decades. Early cancer diagnosis and therapy, driven by …
Nanoscale quantum sensing with nitrogen-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds–a magnetic resonance perspective
TF Segawa, R Igarashi - Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Nanodiamonds containing fluorescent Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers are the
smallest single particles, of which a magnetic resonance spectrum can be recorded at room …
smallest single particles, of which a magnetic resonance spectrum can be recorded at room …
Nanodiamonds and their applications in cells
M Chipaux, KJ van der Laan, SR Hemelaar, M Hasani… - Small, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Diamonds owe their fame to a unique set of outstanding properties. They combine a high
refractive index, hardness, great stability and inertness, and low electrical but high thermal …
refractive index, hardness, great stability and inertness, and low electrical but high thermal …
Quantum nanophotonics in diamond
The past two decades have seen great advances in develo** color centers in diamond for
sensing, quantum information processing, and tests of quantum foundations. Increasingly …
sensing, quantum information processing, and tests of quantum foundations. Increasingly …
Nanodiamonds for in vivo applications
KJ Van Der Laan, M Hasani, T Zheng, R Schirhagl - Small, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Due to their unique optical properties, diamonds are the most valued gemstones. However,
beyond the sparkle, diamonds have a number of unique properties. Their extreme hardness …
beyond the sparkle, diamonds have a number of unique properties. Their extreme hardness …
Realization of a complete Stern-Gerlach interferometer: Toward a test of quantum gravity
The Stern-Gerlach effect, found a century ago, has become a paradigm of quantum
mechanics. Unexpectedly, until recently, there has been little evidence that the original …
mechanics. Unexpectedly, until recently, there has been little evidence that the original …
Probing fundamental physics with spin-based quantum sensors
The applications of spin-based quantum sensors to measurements probing fundamental
physics are surveyed. Experimental methods and technologies developed for spin-based …
physics are surveyed. Experimental methods and technologies developed for spin-based …