Tourism, animals & the vacant niche: a sco** review and pedagogical agenda
The topic of animal ethics has advanced in tourism studies since its inception in 2000, based
on a diverse range of studies on species involvement, types of uses and contexts, level of …
on a diverse range of studies on species involvement, types of uses and contexts, level of …
Food-provisioning negatively affects calf survival and female reproductive success in bottlenose dolphins
Food-provisioning of wildlife can facilitate reliable up-close encounters desirable by tourists
and, consequently, tour operators. Food-provisioning can alter the natural behavior of an …
and, consequently, tour operators. Food-provisioning can alter the natural behavior of an …
Elevated calf mortality and long-term responses of wild bottlenose dolphins to extreme climate events: Impacts of foraging specialization and provisioning
As demands for wildlife tourism increase, provisioning has become a popular means of
providing up-close viewing to the public. At Monkey Mia, Shark Bay, Australia, up to five …
providing up-close viewing to the public. At Monkey Mia, Shark Bay, Australia, up to five …
Human food provisioning impacts the social environment, home range and fitness of a marine top predator
Highlights•Food provisioning is associated with low reproductive success of dolphins.•Food-
provisioned dolphins have smaller home ranges and spend less time socializing.• …
provisioned dolphins have smaller home ranges and spend less time socializing.• …
Close encounters of the dolphin kind: Contrasting tourist support for feeding based interactions with concern for dolphin welfare
The tourism demand for close interactions with wildlife has increased in the last few
decades. At the same time, public concern for animal welfare has also increased. Tourists …
decades. At the same time, public concern for animal welfare has also increased. Tourists …
Ecological consequences and social drivers of human-wildlife interactions: the case of food-provisioning of bottlenose dolphins in Bunbury, Western Australia
V Senigaglia - 2020 - researchportal.murdoch.edu.au
Food-provisioning of free-ranging animals can result in significant impacts on individual
behaviour, vital rates and population demographic processes. In Bunbury, Western …
behaviour, vital rates and population demographic processes. In Bunbury, Western …
Pregnancy cravings: visitation at a food-provisioning site is driven by the reproductive status of bottlenose dolphins
Marine wildlife tourism attractions often use food rewards to ensure close-up encounters
with freeranging animals. In Bunbury, Western Australia, the Dolphin Discovery Centre …
with freeranging animals. In Bunbury, Western Australia, the Dolphin Discovery Centre …
Dolphins in the city
This chapter provides an account of a premier wildlife tourism attraction, taking place at the
Dolphin Discovery Centre (DDC), located within the regional city of Bunbury, Western …
Dolphin Discovery Centre (DDC), located within the regional city of Bunbury, Western …
Do turismo à genética: qual a estrutura populacional do boto-vermelho Inia geoffrensis nas bacias Amazônica, Orinoco e Araguaia-Tocantins?
E Garcia - 2024 - repositorio.inpa.gov.br
Foram utilizados dados moleculares de marcadores do DNA mitocondrial e sexuais para
desvendar a distribuição espacial da diversidade genética de Inia geoffrensis na região do …
desvendar a distribuição espacial da diversidade genética de Inia geoffrensis na região do …
Tourism and Its Impacts on Wildlife
This chapter explores the multifarious and overlap** negative and positive impacts of
tourism on wildlife. In doing so, it recognises the various ways that tourists and the tourism …
tourism on wildlife. In doing so, it recognises the various ways that tourists and the tourism …