Many versus one: The disorder operator and entanglement entropy in fermionic quantum matter
Motivated by recent development of the concept of the disorder operator and its relation with
entanglement entropy in bosonic systems, here we show the disorder operator successfully …
entanglement entropy in bosonic systems, here we show the disorder operator successfully …
A sport and a pastime: Model design and computation in quantum many-body systems
We summarize the recent developments in the model design and computation for a few
representative quantum many-body systems, encompassing quantum critical metals beyond …
representative quantum many-body systems, encompassing quantum critical metals beyond …
Normal state properties of quantum critical metals at finite temperature
We study the effects of finite temperature on normal state properties of a metal near a
quantum critical point to an antiferromagnetic or Ising-nematic state. At T= 0, bosonic and …
quantum critical point to an antiferromagnetic or Ising-nematic state. At T= 0, bosonic and …
Yukawa-SYK model and self-tuned quantum criticality
Non-Fermi liquids (NFLs) are a class of strongly interacting gapless fermionic systems
without long-lived quasiparticle excitations. An important group of NFL models feature …
without long-lived quasiparticle excitations. An important group of NFL models feature …
Strange metals and planckian transport in a gapless phase from spatially random interactions
AA Patel, P Lunts, MS Albergo - ar**, electron spin exchange, and Cooper-pair hop**. An attractive on-site …
Identification of non-Fermi liquid fermionic self-energy from quantum Monte Carlo data
Abstract Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations of correlated electron systems provide
unbiased information about system behavior at a quantum critical point (QCP) and can verify …
unbiased information about system behavior at a quantum critical point (QCP) and can verify …