Logical models of argument

CI Chesnevar, AG Maguitman, RP Loui - ACM Computing Surveys …, 2000 - dl.acm.org
Logical models of arguement formalize commonsense reasoning while taking process and
computation seriously. This survey discusses the main ideas that characterize different …

Survey of context provisioning middleware

M Knappmeyer, SL Kiani, ES Reetz… - … Surveys & Tutorials, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the scope of ubiquitous computing, one of the key issues is the awareness of context,
which includes diverse aspects of the user's situation including his activities, physical …

A context modeling survey

T Strang, C Linnhoff-Popien - Workshop Proceedings, 2004 - elib.dlr.de
Context-awareness is one of the drivers of the ubiquitous computing paradigm, whereas a
well designed model is a key accessor to the context in any context-aware system. This …

S-Match: an algorithm and an implementation of semantic matching

F Giunchiglia, P Shvaiko, M Yatskevich - … , Crete, Greece, May 10-12, 2004 …, 2004 - Springer
We think of Match as an operator which takes two graph-like structures (eg, conceptual
hierarchies or ontologies) and produces a map** between those nodes of the two graphs …

Agents that reason and negotiate by arguing

S Parsons, C Sierra, N Jennings - 1998 - academic.oup.com
The need for negotiation in multi-agent systems stems from the requirement for agents to
solve the problems posed by their interdependence upon one another. Negotiation provides …

A data-oriented survey of context models

C Bolchini, CA Curino, E Quintarelli, FA Schreiber… - ACM Sigmod …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
Context-aware systems are pervading everyday life, therefore context modeling is becoming
a relevant issue and an expanding research field. This survey has the goal to provide a …

Contextual modal type theory

A Nanevski, F Pfenning, B Pientka - ACM Transactions on Computational …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
The intuitionistic modal logic of necessity is based on the judgmental notion of categorical
truth. In this article we investigate the consequences of relativizing these concepts to …

Local models semantics, or contextual reasoning= locality+ compatibility

C Ghidini, F Giunchiglia - Artificial intelligence, 2001 - Elsevier
In this paper we present a new semantics, called Local Models Semantics, and use it to
provide a foundation to reasoning with contexts. This semantics captures and makes precise …

C-owl: Contextualizing ontologies

P Bouquet, F Giunchiglia, F Van Harmelen… - International Semantic …, 2003 - Springer
Ontologies are shared models of a domain that encode a view which is common to a set of
different parties. Contexts are local models that encode a party's subjective view of a …

Context in problem solving: A survey

P Brézillon - The Knowledge Engineering Review, 1999 - cambridge.org
Dealing with context seems to be a major challenge which the field of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) will have to face in the next few years. The importance of the challenge is borne out by …