[HTML][HTML] Combined mica and apatite chemical compositions to trace magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of fertile granites in the Dachang Sn-polymetallic district, South …
Tin mineralization in the Dachang Sn-polymetallic district, South China, is inferred to be
associated with the Late Cretaceous Longxianggai pluton, which is primarily composed of …
associated with the Late Cretaceous Longxianggai pluton, which is primarily composed of …
[HTML][HTML] Differentiating Jurassic Cu-, W-, and Sn (—W)-bearing plutons in the Nanling Range (South China): An integrated apatite study
Abstract The Nanling mineralization belt, South China, is well-known for widespread W-, Sn
(—W), and Cu-polymetallic ore deposits. At present, how to better trace their magma sources …
(—W), and Cu-polymetallic ore deposits. At present, how to better trace their magma sources …
Using apatite to differentiate metallogenic potential and environment of granitic rocks: A case study from the Tongshanling W-Sn-Cu-Pb-Zn ore field, Nanling Range …
The Tongshanling ore field is one of the most representative W–Sn–Cu–Pb–Zn polymetallic
deposits in the central-western Nanling Ore Belt, which developed multiple mineralization …
deposits in the central-western Nanling Ore Belt, which developed multiple mineralization …
Apatite records metamorphic and hydrothermal fluid evolution at the large Shuangqishan orogenic gold deposit, SE China
Y Ma, SY Jiang, HE Frimmel - Bulletin, 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Orogenic gold deposits are currently the world's major source of Au, but uncertainty exists in
the timing of mineralization relative to the ages of host rocks, metamorphism, and …
the timing of mineralization relative to the ages of host rocks, metamorphism, and …
[HTML][HTML] Rare earth element enrichment in sedimentary phosphorites formed during the Precambrian–Cambrian transition, Southwest China
Numerous sedimentary phosphorites in Southwest China were formed around the
Precambrian–Cambrian transition (PC–C), including the upper Ediacaran Doushantuo …
Precambrian–Cambrian transition (PC–C), including the upper Ediacaran Doushantuo …
Tracing fluid exsolution and hydrothermal alteration signature of the Mufushan Nb–Ta–(Li–Be–Cs) deposit, South China: an apatite perspective
The appearance of hydrous magmas and the following separation of volatile-rich fluids
through hydrothermal alteration are intricately linked to the formation of granitic rare-metal …
through hydrothermal alteration are intricately linked to the formation of granitic rare-metal …
Primary controlling factors of apatite trace element composition and implications for exploration in orogenic gold deposits
Significant and readily accessible orogenic gold deposits have been previously recognized,
exploited, and progressively depleted. Innovative approaches are required to discover new …
exploited, and progressively depleted. Innovative approaches are required to discover new …
[HTML][HTML] Geochemistry and origin of hydrothermal apatite in Carlin-type Au deposits, southwestern China (Gaolong deposit)
S Lin, K Hu, J Cao, Y Liu, S Liu, B Zhang - Ore Geology Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
Apatite can record the evolution of magmatic–hydrothermal ore systems, but it is unclear
whether it is suitable for investigating low-temperature, sediment-hosted hydrothermal ore …
whether it is suitable for investigating low-temperature, sediment-hosted hydrothermal ore …
[HTML][HTML] Apatite texture and composition in the Tonglushan porphyry-related skarn system, eastern China: Implications for mineral exploration
F Zhang, BJ Williamson, S Broom-Fendley - Ore Geology Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
The composition of 'indicator'minerals is thought to provide a guide to the potential of
magmatic arc systems to form porphyry Cu deposits, but whether this is also the case for …
magmatic arc systems to form porphyry Cu deposits, but whether this is also the case for …
[HTML][HTML] Garnet as a carrier of HREEs in highly fractionated peraluminous granite: Implications for the formation of ion-absorption HREE deposits
Ion-absorption rare earth element (REE) deposits in South China are the world's most
important source of heavy REEs (HREEs). These deposits were formed by the weathering of …
important source of heavy REEs (HREEs). These deposits were formed by the weathering of …