Mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus with nitrogen-fixing trees: a review
Mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus with a nitrogen (N2) fixing species have the
potential to increase productivity while maintaining soil fertility, compared to Eucalyptus …
potential to increase productivity while maintaining soil fertility, compared to Eucalyptus …
Physiological regulation of productivity and water use in Eucalyptus: a review
D Whitehead, CL Beadle - Forest ecology and management, 2004 - Elsevier
Eucalyptus species in Australia occur naturally across a wide range of environmental
conditions. In native forests, the leaves are typically thick, tough and long-lived with low …
conditions. In native forests, the leaves are typically thick, tough and long-lived with low …
Predicting stomatal responses to the environment from the optimization of photosynthetic gain and hydraulic cost
Stomatal regulation presumably evolved to optimize CO2 for H2O exchange in response to
changing conditions. If the optimization criterion can be readily measured or calculated, then …
changing conditions. If the optimization criterion can be readily measured or calculated, then …
Reconciling the optimal and empirical approaches to modelling stomatal conductance
Abstract Models of vegetation function are widely used to predict the effects of climate
change on carbon, water and nutrient cycles of terrestrial ecosystems, and their feedbacks to …
change on carbon, water and nutrient cycles of terrestrial ecosystems, and their feedbacks to …
The ecological significance of long‐distance water transport: short‐term regulation, long‐term acclimation and the hydraulic costs of stature across plant life forms
Plant hydraulic conductance, namely the rate of water flow inside plants per unit time and
unit pressure difference, varies largely from plant to plant and under different environmental …
unit pressure difference, varies largely from plant to plant and under different environmental …
Increase in size and nitrogen concentration enhances seedling survival in Mediterranean plantations. Insights from an ecophysiological conceptual model of plant …
Reduction in size and tissue nutrient concentration is widely considered to increase
seedling drought resistance in dry and oligotrophic plantation sites. However, much …
seedling drought resistance in dry and oligotrophic plantation sites. However, much …
Photosynthetic and anatomical responses of Eucalyptus grandis leaves to potassium and sodium supply in a field experiment
Although vast areas in tropical regions have weathered soils with low potassium (K) levels,
little is known about the effects of K supply on the photosynthetic physiology of trees. This …
little is known about the effects of K supply on the photosynthetic physiology of trees. This …
Enhanced water use efficiency in a mixed Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii plantation
Significant increases in aboveground biomass production have been observed when
Eucalyptus is planted with a nitrogen-fixing species due to increased nutrient availability and …
Eucalyptus is planted with a nitrogen-fixing species due to increased nutrient availability and …
[ספר][B] Growing plantation forests
PW West - 2014 - Springer
I have attempted to reach a wide range of readers, from those with no formal forestry
education through to forest scientists involved in research. This has meant dealing with …
education through to forest scientists involved in research. This has meant dealing with …
Stomatal kinetics and photosynthetic gas exchange along a continuum of isohydric to anisohydric regulation of plant water status
Species' differences in the stringency of stomatal control of plant water potential represent a
continuum of isohydric to anisohydric behaviours. However, little is known about how quasi …
continuum of isohydric to anisohydric behaviours. However, little is known about how quasi …