Comparative study of HVAC and HVDC transmission systems
Transport of energy over long distances from remote natural sources to consumers in big
cities requires technical, economic and environmental considerations. Uncertain wind flow …
cities requires technical, economic and environmental considerations. Uncertain wind flow …
Technical and economic aspects of tripole HVDC
LO Barthold - 2006 International conference on power system …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper shows how, with simple modifications using either conventional or bidirectional
valves, bipole and monopole systems can be connected in parallel and operated as a three …
valves, bipole and monopole systems can be connected in parallel and operated as a three …
Investigations into the upgrading of existing transmission lines from HVAC to HVDC
P Naidoo - 2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In general, HVAC transmission lines have an inherent design inefficiency whereby the
conductor current carrying capability remains largely unused. With increasing system …
conductor current carrying capability remains largely unused. With increasing system …
Progress report on the investigations into the recycling of existing HVAC power transmission circuits for higher power transfers using HVDC technology
P Naidoo, RD Estment, D Muftic… - The 8th IEE international …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cost effective higher current rated power electronic technology makes possible the
economic conversion of an existing HVAC transmission circuit for HVDC employment. The …
economic conversion of an existing HVAC transmission circuit for HVDC employment. The …
[PDF][PDF] The application of superconducting technologies in future electrical power systems
M ELSHERIF - 2013 - etheses.dur.ac.uk
Growing power demand in countries such as the UK can often result in increased power
losses and voltage control problems within distribution networks. Mitigation of these issues …
losses and voltage control problems within distribution networks. Mitigation of these issues …
Considerations for the planning of UHVDC schemes in Southern Africa
P Naidoo, D Muftic, AC Britten… - 2007 IEEE Power …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper describes a simple approach to the planning of long distance electric power
transmission systems for Southern African conditions. In common with China and India …
transmission systems for Southern African conditions. In common with China and India …
吕思卓, 文俊, 温家良, 殷威扬, 吴婧 - 电力系统自动化, 2014 - epjournal.csee.org.cn
文中首先介绍了高压直流三极输电的工作原理, 设计了功率**衡控制器使功率保持恒定 …
文中首先介绍了高压直流三极输电的工作原理, 设计了功率**衡控制器使功率保持恒定 …
Modeling and Simulation of Tri-pole HVDC Transmission System
SZ Lv, J Wen, JL Wen, WY Yin, J Wu - Applied Mechanics and …, 2013 - Trans Tech Publ
With the increase of the power demand and reduction of land resources, it is imperative to
increase AC transmission line capacity. Tri-pole HVDC is proposed as a new technique to …
increase AC transmission line capacity. Tri-pole HVDC is proposed as a new technique to …
Simulation research of current-modulated tripole DC transmission system
J Wu, J Wen, J Wen, Y Wang, C Peng… - … Power Engineering and …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper introduced a method of converting AC transmission lines to tripole DC using
current modulation. This method cannot only make full use of existing lines and equipment …
current modulation. This method cannot only make full use of existing lines and equipment …
[NAVEDBA][C] 高压直流三极输电技术
文俊, 温家良, 殷威扬, 别晓玉, 吴婧, **民晓 - 电网技术, 2013