Extreme value statistics of correlated random variables: a pedagogical review

SN Majumdar, A Pal, G Schehr - Physics Reports, 2020 - Elsevier
Extreme value statistics (EVS) concerns the study of the statistics of the maximum or the
minimum of a set of random variables. This is an important problem for any time-series and …

The Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation and universality class

I Corwin - Random matrices: Theory and applications, 2012 - World Scientific
Brownian motion is a continuum scaling limit for a wide class of random processes, and
there has been great success in develo** a theory for its properties (such as distribution …

Operator spreading in random unitary circuits

A Nahum, S Vijay, J Haah - Physical Review X, 2018 - APS
Random quantum circuits yield minimally structured models for chaotic quantum dynamics,
which are able to capture, for example, universal properties of entanglement growth. We …

Quantum entanglement growth under random unitary dynamics

A Nahum, J Ruhman, S Vijay, J Haah - Physical Review X, 2017 - APS
Characterizing how entanglement grows with time in a many-body system, for example, after
a quantum quench, is a key problem in nonequilibrium quantum physics. We study this …

Anomalous diffusion: A basic mechanism for the evolution of inhomogeneous systems

FA Oliveira, RMS Ferreira, LC Lapas… - Frontiers in …, 2019 - frontiersin.org
In this article we review classical and recent results in anomalous diffusion and provide
mechanisms useful for the study of the fundamentals of certain processes, mainly in …

Bacterial growth: a statistical physicist's guide

RJ Allen, B Waclaw - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
Bacterial growth presents many beautiful phenomena that pose new theoretical challenges
to statistical physicists, and are also amenable to laboratory experimentation. This review …

Random matrix theory and ζ (1/2+ it)

JP Keating, NC Snaith - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2000 - Springer
We study the characteristic polynomials Z (U, θ) of matrices U in the Circular Unitary
Ensemble (CUE) of Random Matrix Theory. Exact expressions for any matrix size N are …

The one-dimensional KPZ equation and its universality class

J Quastel, H Spohn - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2015 - Springer
The One-Dimensional KPZ Equation and Its Universality Class | Journal of Statistical Physics
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An appetizer to modern developments on the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang universality class

KA Takeuchi - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The Kardar–Parisi–Zhang (KPZ) universality class describes a broad range of non-
equilibrium fluctuations, including those of growing interfaces, directed polymers and …

A KPZ cocktail-shaken, not stirred... toasting 30 years of kinetically roughened surfaces

T Halpin-Healy, KA Takeuchi - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2015 - Springer
The stochastic partial differential equation proposed nearly three decades ago by Kardar,
Parisi and Zhang (KPZ) continues to inspire, intrigue and confound its many admirers. Here …