Marketing and school choice: A systematic literature review

E Greaves, D Wilson, A Nairn - Review of Educational …, 2023 -
School-choice programs may increase schools' incentives for marketing rather than
improving their educational offering. This article systematically reviews the literature on the …

Koulutuksellinen tasa-arvo, alueellinen ja sosiaalinen eriytyminen ja myönteisen erityiskohtelun mahdollisuudet

V Bernelius, H Huilla - 2021 -
Selvityksessä tarkastellaan suomalaisen peruskoulun ja varhaiskasvatuksen tasa-
arvotilannetta erityisesti sosiaalisten ja alueellisten jakojen tuottamien haasteiden …

Towards a new paradigm for segregation measurement in an age of big data

QQ Li, Y Yue, QL Gao, C Zhong, J Barros - Urban Informatics, 2022 - Springer
Recent theoretical and methodological advances in activity space and big data provide new
opportunities to study socio-spatial segregation. This review first provides an overview of the …

Spatial underpinnings of social inequalities: A vicious circles of segregation approach

T Tammaru, D Knapp, S Silm, M Van Ham… - Social …, 2021 -
A paradigm shift is taking place in spatial segregation research. At the heart of this shift is the
understanding of the connectedness of spatial segregation in different life domains and the …

Separate and unequal: hukou, school segregation, and educational inequality in urban China

D Xu, X Wu - Chinese Sociological Review, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Competition for educational resources between local citizens and new arrivals in receiving
cities can lead to severe school segregation, thereby generating great educational …

Multiple dimensions of residential segregation. The case of the metropolitan area of Amsterdam

WR Boterman, S Musterd, D Manting - Urban Geography, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
In this contribution, we analyze residential segregation not just on the basis of dimenions of
migration background and income but also according to educational level, class fractions …

'Notorious Schools' in 'Notorious Places'?: Exploring the Connectedness of Urban and Educational Segregation

V Bernelius, H Huilla, IR Lobato - Social inclusion, 2021 -
While the statistical link between residential and school segregation is well-demonstrated, in-
depth knowledge of the processes or mediating mechanisms which affect the …

Elección de escuela, movilidad y segregación escolar del alumnado vulnerable en Barcelona

AZ Villa - … : Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y …, 2020 -
Este artículo analiza la relación entre elección de escuela, movilidad y segregación escolar
del alumnado socialmente desfavorecido en Barcelona. Las particularidades del modelo de …

Space‐focused stereotypes of immigrant neighbourhoods

I Essien, A Rohmann - British Journal of Social Psychology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Recent research suggests that stereotypes are not only applied to social groups but also to
the physical spaces that social groups inhabit. We present three experiments investigating …

Student mobility and school segregation in an (un) controlled choice system: A counterfactual approach

X Bonal, A Zancajo, R Scandurra - British Educational …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This article explores the relationship between school choice, student mobility and school
segregation in Barcelona. The case of Barcelona is particularly interesting because the …