The physics of flocking: Correlation as a compass from experiments to theory
Collective behavior in biological systems is a complex topic, to say the least. It runs wildly
across scales in both space and time, involving taxonomically vastly different organisms …
across scales in both space and time, involving taxonomically vastly different organisms …
Re-wilding collective behaviour: an ecological perspective
The earliest studies of collective animal behaviour were inspired by and conducted in the
wild. Over the past decades much of the research in this field has shifted to the laboratory …
wild. Over the past decades much of the research in this field has shifted to the laboratory …
Dancing disclinations in confined active nematics
The spontaneous emergence of collective flows is a generic property of active fluids and
often leads to chaotic flow patterns characterised by swirls, jets, and topological disclinations …
often leads to chaotic flow patterns characterised by swirls, jets, and topological disclinations …
Self-organization of collective escape in pigeon flocks
Bird flocks under predation demonstrate complex patterns of collective escape. These
patterns may emerge by self-organization from local interactions among group-members …
patterns may emerge by self-organization from local interactions among group-members …
Emergence of splits and collective turns in pigeon flocks under predation
Complex patterns of collective behaviour may emerge through self-organization, from local
interactions among individuals in a group. To understand what behavioural rules underlie …
interactions among individuals in a group. To understand what behavioural rules underlie …
Tiered synchronization in Kuramoto oscillators with adaptive higher-order interactions
Phase transitions widely occur in natural systems. Incorporation of higher-order interactions
in coupled dynamics is known to cause first-order phase transition to synchronization in an …
in coupled dynamics is known to cause first-order phase transition to synchronization in an …
Information structure of heterogeneous criticality in a fish school
Integrated information theory (IIT) assesses the degree of consciousness in living organisms
from an information-theoretic perspective. This theory can be generalised to other systems …
from an information-theoretic perspective. This theory can be generalised to other systems …
Predators attacking virtual prey reveal the costs and benefits of leadership
A long-standing assumption in social behavior is that leadership incurs costs as well as
benefits, and this tradeoff can result in diversified social roles in groups. The major cost of …
benefits, and this tradeoff can result in diversified social roles in groups. The major cost of …
Phase transitions on a multiplex of swarmalators
Dynamics of bidirectionally coupled swarmalators subject to attractive and repulsive
couplings is analyzed. The probability of two elements in different layers being connected …
couplings is analyzed. The probability of two elements in different layers being connected …
Collective gradient sensing and chemotaxis: modeling and recent developments
Cells measure a vast variety of signals, from their environment's stiffness to chemical
concentrations and gradients; physical principles strongly limit how accurately they can do …
concentrations and gradients; physical principles strongly limit how accurately they can do …