Prediction of concrete and FRC properties at high temperature using machine and deep learning: a review of recent advances and future perspectives
Concrete structures when exposed to elevated temperature significantly decline their
original properties. High temperatures substantially affect the concrete physical and …
original properties. High temperatures substantially affect the concrete physical and …
A review of multi-objective optimization: methods and algorithms in mechanical engineering problems
The optimization problems that must meet more than one objective are called multi-objective
optimization problems and may present several optimal solutions. This manuscript brings …
optimization problems and may present several optimal solutions. This manuscript brings …
An integrated surrogate model-driven and improved termite life cycle optimizer for damage identification in dams
Abstract Structural Damage Identification (SDI) is a crucial branch in the field of structural
health monitoring, providing an essential support for the safe operation of structures. In this …
health monitoring, providing an essential support for the safe operation of structures. In this …
A new metaheuristic optimization based on K-means clustering algorithm and its application to structural damage identification
This paper develops a new metaheuristic optimization algorithm named K-means Optimizer
(KO) to solve a wide range of optimization problems from numerical functions to real-design …
(KO) to solve a wide range of optimization problems from numerical functions to real-design …
Structure damage identification in dams using sparse polynomial chaos expansion combined with hybrid K-means clustering optimizer and genetic algorithm
Structural damage identification plays a crucial role in structural health monitoring. In this
study, a novelty method for structural damage identification is developed, which employs an …
study, a novelty method for structural damage identification is developed, which employs an …
[HTML][HTML] Vibration issues in timber structures: A state-of-the-art review
The increasing use of timber structures worldwide has brought attention to the challenges
posed by their lightweight nature, making them more prone to vibrations than more massive …
posed by their lightweight nature, making them more prone to vibrations than more massive …
Q-learning based vegetation evolution for numerical optimization and wireless sensor network coverage optimization
Vegetation evolution (VEGE) is a newly proposed meta-heuristic algorithm (MA) with
excellent exploitation but relatively weak exploration capacity. We thus focus on further …
excellent exploitation but relatively weak exploration capacity. We thus focus on further …
Damage identification in high-rise concrete structures using a bio-inspired meta-heuristic optimization algorithm
In this paper, for the first time, a damage assessment technique for a high-rise concrete
structure is presented. This structure has sixteen stories, a total height of 57 m and its total …
structure is presented. This structure has sixteen stories, a total height of 57 m and its total …
Detecting damages in metallic beam structures using a novel wavelet selection criterion
Structural damage detection using wavelet transform is effective if a suitable wavelet
function is selected. However, the selection of the appropriate wavelet function can be a …
function is selected. However, the selection of the appropriate wavelet function can be a …
A review on structural health monitoring: past to present
The field of structural health monitoring (SHM) has gained significant attention from
academia and industry, particularly in the realm of damage detection. This approach allows …
academia and industry, particularly in the realm of damage detection. This approach allows …