The magnetic properties of Quaternary aeolian dusts and sediments, and their palaeoclimatic significance
BA Maher - Aeolian Research, 2011 - Elsevier
Changes in the sources, properties and fluxes of mineral aerosol ('dust') have significance
as both indicators and agents of climate change, through radiative, cloud condensation and …
as both indicators and agents of climate change, through radiative, cloud condensation and …
Geochemical studies on the source region of Asian dust
J Chen, GJ Li - Science China Earth Sciences, 2011 - Springer
Abstract The North China and the neighbouring Mongolia in Asian Interior is characterized
by extremely dry climate, resulted in one of the world's major dust emission centres …
by extremely dry climate, resulted in one of the world's major dust emission centres …
Nd and Sr isotopic characteristics of Chinese deserts: Implications for the provenances of Asian dust
J Chen, G Li, J Yang, W Rao, H Lu, W Balsam… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007 - Elsevier
Silicate Nd–Sr isotopes of the fine-grained fractions of the 10 major deserts and sandy lands
in North China and the loess in Chinese Loess Plateau were systematically investigated …
in North China and the loess in Chinese Loess Plateau were systematically investigated …
Evaluation of conservative lithogenic elements (Ti, Zr, Al, and Rb) to study anthropogenic element enrichments in lake sediments
In lake sediment investigations of heavy metal pollution history, it has become a common
approach to calculate enrichment factors (EFs) by normalizing elemental distributions to a …
approach to calculate enrichment factors (EFs) by normalizing elemental distributions to a …
Improved provenance tracing of Asian dust sources using rare earth elements and selected trace elements for palaeomonsoon studies on the eastern Tibetan Plateau
The Asian Monsoon forms an important part of the earth's climate system, yet our
understanding of the past interactions between its different sub-systems, the East Asian and …
understanding of the past interactions between its different sub-systems, the East Asian and …
Glacial reduction and millennial-scale variations in Drake Passage throughflow
The Drake Passage (DP) is the major geographic constriction for the Antarctic Circumpolar
Current (ACC) and exerts a strong control on the exchange of physical, chemical, and …
Current (ACC) and exerts a strong control on the exchange of physical, chemical, and …
Evaluating Zr/Rb ratio from XRF scanning as an indicator of grain‐size variations of glaciomarine sediments in the Southern Ocean
L Wu, DJ Wilson, R Wang, X Yin, Z Chen… - Geochemistry …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The ln (Zr/Rb) count ratio derived from X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning
holds potential as a high‐resolution tracer for grain‐size variations of glaciomarine …
holds potential as a high‐resolution tracer for grain‐size variations of glaciomarine …
East Asian monsoon variability over the last seven glacial cycles recorded by a loess sequence from the northwestern Chinese Loess Plateau
A 180‐m‐thick loess‐paleosol sequence from the northwestern Chinese Loess Plateau was
investigated to construct a high‐resolution record of the East Asian monsoon variability over …
investigated to construct a high‐resolution record of the East Asian monsoon variability over …
Mineralogy and geochemistry of modern Yellow River sediments: Implications for weathering and provenance
H Pang, B Pan, E Garzanti, H Gao, X Zhao, D Chen - Chemical Geology, 2018 - Elsevier
This study illustrates the textural, mineralogical and geochemical signatures of sediments
from the upper Yellow River. Sediments of major tributaries have also been examined to …
from the upper Yellow River. Sediments of major tributaries have also been examined to …
The wider context of the Lower Jurassic Toarcian oceanic anoxic event in Yorkshire coastal outcrops, UK
Abstract The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE,∼ 183 Ma) was characterized by
enhanced carbon burial, a prominent negative carbon-isotope excursion (CIE) in marine …
enhanced carbon burial, a prominent negative carbon-isotope excursion (CIE) in marine …