Exploring the potential of blockchain-enabled lean automation in supply chain management: a systematic literature review, classification taxonomy, and future …
The purpose of this study is to evaluate how Blockchain Technology (BCT) can support the
implementation of Lean Automation. We conducted a systematic literature review to …
implementation of Lean Automation. We conducted a systematic literature review to …
Applying value management when it seems that there is no value to be managed: the case of nuclear decommissioning
The vast majority of project management literature relating to infrastructure focuses on the
project lifecycle up to commissioning and handover. Conversely, little attention has been …
project lifecycle up to commissioning and handover. Conversely, little attention has been …
Dissecting the project anatomy: Understanding the cost of managing construction projects
The total cost of a construction project involves both the cost of production and the
transaction costs associated with managing the project. However, we know surprisingly little …
transaction costs associated with managing the project. However, we know surprisingly little …
Does the planning fallacy prevail in social infrastructure projects? Empirical evidence and competing explanations
The planning fallacy is at play in projects when optimism bias and/or strategic
misrepresentation are present. We examine the cost performance of approximately US $6.5 …
misrepresentation are present. We examine the cost performance of approximately US $6.5 …
An exploration of the relationship between nuclear decommissioning projects characteristics and cost performance
Abstract Nuclear Decommissioning Projects and Programmes (NDPs) are characterized by
high complexity and variety, and a schedule that can take decades. Moreover, NDPs …
high complexity and variety, and a schedule that can take decades. Moreover, NDPs …
Building high-performing and integrated project teams
Purpose Effective inter-organisational relationships are key to engendering innovation and
ensuring the successful delivery of infrastructure projects. Relationship-based contracts are …
ensuring the successful delivery of infrastructure projects. Relationship-based contracts are …
Project transitions—Navigating across strategy, delivery, use, and decommissioning
Traditionally, we consider projects to be temporary organizations “to which resources are
assigned to do work to deliver beneficial change”(Turner, 2009, p. 2). As execution vehicles …
assigned to do work to deliver beneficial change”(Turner, 2009, p. 2). As execution vehicles …
Enhancing project delivery performances in construction through experiential learning and personal constructs: competency development
Schedule delays and cost overruns are common events in construction. The construction
industry predominantly suffers from deficient project knowledge management. This paper …
industry predominantly suffers from deficient project knowledge management. This paper …
The stakeholder challenge: dealing with challenging situations involving stakeholders
Project managers are an occupational group who is exposed to high levels of stress caused
by various aspects such as resources and communication or working relationships. One …
by various aspects such as resources and communication or working relationships. One …
Are megaprojects ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Complex projects and megaprojects are increasingly shaped by new enabling technologies
and new demands from businesses, including how people are treated when working on …
and new demands from businesses, including how people are treated when working on …