[PDF][PDF] Improving student creative thinking ability with problem based learning approach using hawgent dynamic mathematics software
The main problem in this study is the lack of mathematical creative thinking abilities of
elementary school students in Cimahi, Indonesia. This lack of mathematical creative thinking …
elementary school students in Cimahi, Indonesia. This lack of mathematical creative thinking …
Learning points, lines, and plane geometry with Hawgent dynamic mathematics software
Geometry is any shape seen as a set of specific set points, while a plane means a collection
of all lines. In mathematics, points, line, and planes geometry is complicated for students to …
of all lines. In mathematics, points, line, and planes geometry is complicated for students to …
[PDF][PDF] Analisis buku siswa matematika sma dari indonesia dan china pada materi peluang dan statistik
A Purnama, TT Wijaya, SN Dewi… - Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal …, 2020 - academia.edu
Buku pelajaran menjadi salah satu peranan penting dalam meningkatkan kemampuan
matematis dan hasil belajar siswa. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konten pada …
matematis dan hasil belajar siswa. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konten pada …
E-Module Guided Discovery Learning Model In The Hots-Based Independent Learning Curriculum
Student's difficulties in learning mathematics independently are due to the lack of media that
supports the learning process and is practical in use and the lack of freedom to choose their …
supports the learning process and is practical in use and the lack of freedom to choose their …
Proving the formula for the area of a circle using Hawgent dynamic mathematics software
The purpose of mathematics learning is to understand the basic concept and use it in
everyday life. So teaching and learning activities should be centered on the basic concepts …
everyday life. So teaching and learning activities should be centered on the basic concepts …
Development of learning media microsoft powerpoint based on visual basic for application (VBA)
This study aims to develop and produce learning media using Microsoft PowerPoint based
on Visual Basic for Application (VBA) that is valid, practical, and effective on flat-shaped …
on Visual Basic for Application (VBA) that is valid, practical, and effective on flat-shaped …
The Effect of VBA for Microsoft Excel as Teaching Material to Improve Prospective Elementary School Teachers' Mathematical Conceptual Understanding.
This research is motivated by the low ability to understand mathematical concepts
possessed by prospective elementary school teacher students. This study aims to see the …
possessed by prospective elementary school teacher students. This study aims to see the …
Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics Software to Teach Line and Angle
X Zhang, Y Zhou, TT Wijaya - JNPM (Jurnal Nasional …, 2020 - ejournalugj.com
This research aims to use Hawgent dynamic mathematics software to create a learning
media on lines and angles based on students' weaknesses and difficulties when studying …
media on lines and angles based on students' weaknesses and difficulties when studying …
The Effect of the Activity-Based Approach on Grade 11 Learners' Performance in Solving Two-Dimensional Trigonometric Problems.
The study explored the effect of the activity-based approach (ABA) on grade 11 learners'
performance in solving two-dimensional (2D) trigonometric problems. A sequential …
performance in solving two-dimensional (2D) trigonometric problems. A sequential …
Using VBA for microsoft excel based on 6-questions cognitive theory in teaching fraction
Learning media is a tool that is used to make the teaching and learning process easier. In
this modern era, most of the students complained that mathematics is hard and boring. Other …
this modern era, most of the students complained that mathematics is hard and boring. Other …