Agroecological practices for sustainable weed management in Mediterranean farming landscapes
Weed management in agriculture is hampered by inefficient intensive methods, such as
monoculture, deep plowing, and herbicides, leading to health and environmental problems …
monoculture, deep plowing, and herbicides, leading to health and environmental problems …
[HTML][HTML] Combining diversification practices to enhance the sustainability of conventional crop** systems
L Viguier, N Cavan, C Bockstaller, S Cadoux… - European Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
A major path hel** agriculture achieve the dual challenges of production and
environmental preservation, consists of transitioning from the current, external input-based …
environmental preservation, consists of transitioning from the current, external input-based …
Intercrop** on French farms: Reducing pesticide and N fertiliser use while maintaining gross margins
E Yan, N Munier-Jolain, P Martin, M Carozzi - European Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Experimental studies to date have demonstrated the agronomic and environmental benefits
of intercrop**, making it a key diversification method for reducing chemical inputs in …
of intercrop**, making it a key diversification method for reducing chemical inputs in …
Interactions entre facteurs biotiques et fonctionnement des associations végétales
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the association between faba bean and cereal
crops on the incidence and severity of black aphids, weed control, and faba bean yield in …
crops on the incidence and severity of black aphids, weed control, and faba bean yield in …
[PDF][PDF] Intercrops influenc e mycorrhizal symbiosis development, growth and nutrient uptake of banana
MS Mandou, S Adamou, D Nwaga… - Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App …, 2016 - academia.edu
Intercrop** is the simultaneous cultivation of more than one crop species on the same
piece of land. The system is based on the management of plant interactions to maximize …
piece of land. The system is based on the management of plant interactions to maximize …
Des principes agronomiques à la pratique: décrire et interpréter les dynamiques d'adoption des cultures associées en France
E Yan - 2024 - theses.hal.science
Les cultures associées, qui comprennent les mélanges de variétés et les mélanges
d'espèces, sont une pratique de diversification efficace pour la gestion des bioagresseurs …
d'espèces, sont une pratique de diversification efficace pour la gestion des bioagresseurs …
Combined Argumentation and Simulation to Support Decision: Example to Assess the Attractiveness of a Change in Agriculture
Although modeling argument structures is helpful to make involved parties understand the
pros and cons of an issue and the context of each other's positions, stakeholders have no …
pros and cons of an issue and the context of each other's positions, stakeholders have no …
Združena setva u funkciji poboljšanja kvaliteta zemljišta i biološko-proizvodnjih osobina suncokreta
B Babec - 2023 - fiver.ifvcns.rs
Promene klimatskih uslova, zajedno sa transformacijom tehnologije gajenja i načina
korišćenja zemljišta u proizvodnji suncokreta zasnovane na čistim usevima mogu značajno …
korišćenja zemljišta u proizvodnji suncokreta zasnovane na čistim usevima mogu značajno …