Health Care Systems: Organization and Response to COVID-19 with a Focus on Spain
G López Casasnovas… - Forum for Social …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper offers an overview of defining traits of national health care systems, and remarks
on how to evaluate their performance in the current COVID-19 crisis. Beyond a description of …
on how to evaluate their performance in the current COVID-19 crisis. Beyond a description of …
[HTML][HTML] Immigrant status and likelihood of opioid treatment. Lessons from Spain's National Health Service
This study investigates opioid prescription patterns among immigrants and native
populations in Spain, using novel patient health records from the Base de Datos Clínicos de …
populations in Spain, using novel patient health records from the Base de Datos Clínicos de …
Clustering the countries for quantifying the status of Covid-19 through time series analysis
Purpose This study aims to use financial stability and health facilities of countries, to cluster
them for making a more consensus environment for manifesting the status of Covid-19 in a …
them for making a more consensus environment for manifesting the status of Covid-19 in a …
Health Care Systems: Organization and Response to COVID-19 with a Focus on Spain
This paper offers an overview of defining traits of national health care systems, and remarks
on how to evaluate their performance in the current COVID-19 crisis. Beyond a description of …
on how to evaluate their performance in the current COVID-19 crisis. Beyond a description of …
Political economy of health system reform: evidence from Spain
G López-Casasnovas - Handbook on the Political Economy of …, 2023 - elgaronline.com
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a major disruptor of health care systems and has had
both conjunctural and structural effects, but it also provides new opportunities to learn from …
both conjunctural and structural effects, but it also provides new opportunities to learn from …
[PDF][PDF] El sistema de salut a Catalunya front a futures pandèmies
A Taradach, A Sisó Almirall, D Palao Vidal - salutpublica.gencat.cat
La pandèmia provocada per la covid-19 ha estat un dels principals reptes que han hagut
d'afrontar les societats i els sistemes de salut a tot el món en el que va d'aquest segle. La …
d'afrontar les societats i els sistemes de salut a tot el món en el que va d'aquest segle. La …
Vpliv (Ne) Uporabe Gensko Spremenjenih Organizmov na Pravico do Zdravstvenega Varstva–Primerjalnopravni Vidik
KM Kuralt - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Pravne posledice minimalnih standardov kakovosti v zvezi z zagotavljanjem ustreznega
zdravstvenega varstva so tiste posledice, ki nastajajo, in tiste, ki nastajajo, a se v znanosti ne …
zdravstvenega varstva so tiste posledice, ki nastajajo, in tiste, ki nastajajo, a se v znanosti ne …
Vpliv (ne) uporabe gensko spremenjenih organizmov na pravico do zdravstvenega varstva–primerjalnopravni vidik: doktorska disertacija
K Meško Kuralt - 2021 - dk.um.si
Potrpežljivost je bila na preizkušnji, ne samo pri meni, tudi pri mojih domačih, zato jim
iskrena hvala. Prav tako se zahvaljujem svoji mentorici izr. prof. dr. Suzani Kraljić za vse …
iskrena hvala. Prav tako se zahvaljujem svoji mentorici izr. prof. dr. Suzani Kraljić za vse …
Sustainability and resilience in the Spanish health system
G López i Casasnovas, F López Seguí… - 2021 - repositori.upf.edu
The Covid-19 pandemic has been the biggest stress test to the Spanish national health
system (Sistema Nacional de Salud, SNS) since its inception in 1986. Spain experienced …
system (Sistema Nacional de Salud, SNS) since its inception in 1986. Spain experienced …