Health Care Systems: Organization and Response to COVID-19 with a Focus on Spain

G López Casasnovas… - Forum for Social …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper offers an overview of defining traits of national health care systems, and remarks
on how to evaluate their performance in the current COVID-19 crisis. Beyond a description of …

[HTML][HTML] Immigrant status and likelihood of opioid treatment. Lessons from Spain's National Health Service

L Boggian, JE Madia, F Moscone, CE Orso - Journal of Economic Behavior …, 2024 - Elsevier
This study investigates opioid prescription patterns among immigrants and native
populations in Spain, using novel patient health records from the Base de Datos Clínicos de …

Clustering the countries for quantifying the status of Covid-19 through time series analysis

M Erandathi, WY Chung Wang… - Information Discovery and …, 2022 -
Purpose This study aims to use financial stability and health facilities of countries, to cluster
them for making a more consensus environment for manifesting the status of Covid-19 in a …

Health Care Systems: Organization and Response to COVID-19 with a Focus on Spain

GL Casasnovas, HP i Arolas - Forum for Social Economics, 2022 -
This paper offers an overview of defining traits of national health care systems, and remarks
on how to evaluate their performance in the current COVID-19 crisis. Beyond a description of …

Political economy of health system reform: evidence from Spain

G López-Casasnovas - Handbook on the Political Economy of …, 2023 -
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a major disruptor of health care systems and has had
both conjunctural and structural effects, but it also provides new opportunities to learn from …

[PDF][PDF] El sistema de salut a Catalunya front a futures pandèmies

A Taradach, A Sisó Almirall, D Palao Vidal -
La pandèmia provocada per la covid-19 ha estat un dels principals reptes que han hagut
d'afrontar les societats i els sistemes de salut a tot el món en el que va d'aquest segle. La …

Vpliv (Ne) Uporabe Gensko Spremenjenih Organizmov na Pravico do Zdravstvenega Varstva–Primerjalnopravni Vidik

KM Kuralt - 2021 -
Pravne posledice minimalnih standardov kakovosti v zvezi z zagotavljanjem ustreznega
zdravstvenega varstva so tiste posledice, ki nastajajo, in tiste, ki nastajajo, a se v znanosti ne …

Vpliv (ne) uporabe gensko spremenjenih organizmov na pravico do zdravstvenega varstva–primerjalnopravni vidik: doktorska disertacija

K Meško Kuralt - 2021 -
Potrpežljivost je bila na preizkušnji, ne samo pri meni, tudi pri mojih domačih, zato jim
iskrena hvala. Prav tako se zahvaljujem svoji mentorici izr. prof. dr. Suzani Kraljić za vse …

Sustainability and resilience in the Spanish health system

G López i Casasnovas, F López Seguí… - 2021 -
The Covid-19 pandemic has been the biggest stress test to the Spanish national health
system (Sistema Nacional de Salud, SNS) since its inception in 1986. Spain experienced …