Study of automatic text summarization approaches in different languages
Nowadays we see huge amount of information is available on both, online and offline
sources. For single topic we see hundreds of articles are available, containing vast amount …
sources. For single topic we see hundreds of articles are available, containing vast amount …
Malayalam text summarization: An extractive approach
P Krishnaprasad, A Sooryanarayanan… - … Conference on Next …, 2016 -
Automatic summarization of text is on of the area of interest in the field of natural language
processing. The proposed method utilizes the sentence extraction in a single document and …
processing. The proposed method utilizes the sentence extraction in a single document and …
An ontology-based information extraction and summarization of multiple news articles
S Venkatachalam, LP Subbiah, R Rajendiran… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Springer
Ontology based information extraction and summarization process in news content retrieved
the news based on the user query. The user query should be of any context about the news …
the news based on the user query. The user query should be of any context about the news …
[PDF][PDF] Text summarization for Indian languages: a survey
KK Mamidala, SK Sanampudi - Int J Adv Res Eng Technol (IJARET), 2021 -
With the increasing amount of huge data availability on the internet, the need for automatic
text summarization has emerged in the recent past. Text summarization methods generate …
text summarization has emerged in the recent past. Text summarization methods generate …
[PDF][PDF] Comparative study of text summarization in Indian languages
PM Dhanya, M Jathavedan - International Journal of Computer …, 2013 - Citeseer
Text Summarization has been an area of interest since many years. There are a lot of
summarization methods in foreign languages like English, Chinese [9],[10], Arabic [11] …
summarization methods in foreign languages like English, Chinese [9],[10], Arabic [11] …
Somali Extractive Text Summarization
AI Seid, AA Abdisalan, MM Abdulahi… - 2022 OITS …, 2022 -
Somali is an Afro-asiatic language of the Cushitic family. Somali is one the most spoken
languages in the Horn of Africa. It is the national language of Somalia, Official language in …
languages in the Horn of Africa. It is the national language of Somalia, Official language in …
Query-based extractive text summarization for Sanskrit
S Barve, S Desai, R Sardinha - … of the 4th International Conference on …, 2016 - Springer
Sanskrit consists of lots of literature available in the form of epics, stories, puranas, Vedas,
and many more. Most of the Sanskrit documents have been digitized and made available …
and many more. Most of the Sanskrit documents have been digitized and made available …
[PDF][PDF] A simple and efficient text summarization model for odia text documents
The present scenario witnesses an exponential growth in the research field pertaining to text
mining and automatic text summarization is a relevant topic. Varied methods in this regard …
mining and automatic text summarization is a relevant topic. Varied methods in this regard …
Extractive odia text summarization system: An ocr based approach
Automatic text summarization is considered as a challenging task in natural language
processing field. In the case of multilingual scenario particularly for the low-resource …
processing field. In the case of multilingual scenario particularly for the low-resource …
Ranking of Odia text document relevant to user query using vector space model
In this digital world, there is no lack of digitize text, image, audio and video for any subject
but extracting the conceptual information relevant material is very difficult and achieved by …
but extracting the conceptual information relevant material is very difficult and achieved by …