Paratransgenesis: a promising new strategy for mosquito vector control
ABB Wilke, MT Marrelli - Parasites & vectors, 2015 - Springer
The three main mosquito genera, Anopheles, Aedes and Culex, transmit respectively
malaria, dengue and lymphatic filariasis. Current mosquito control strategies have proved …
malaria, dengue and lymphatic filariasis. Current mosquito control strategies have proved …
Freshwater biodiversity and aquatic insect diversification
KDB Dijkstra, MT Monaghan… - Annual review of …, 2014 - annualreviews.org
Inland waters cover less than 1% of Earth's surface but harbor more than 6% of all insect
species: Nearly 100,000 species from 12 orders spend one or more life stages in freshwater …
species: Nearly 100,000 species from 12 orders spend one or more life stages in freshwater …
The dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria in Africa, Europe and the Middle East: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis
Background This is the second in a series of three articles documenting the geographical
distribution of 41 dominant vector species (DVS) of human malaria. The first paper …
distribution of 41 dominant vector species (DVS) of human malaria. The first paper …
[CARTE][B] The geographic mosaic of coevolution
JN Thompson - 2019 - degruyter.com
Coevolution—reciprocal evolutionary change in interacting species driven by natural
selection—is one of the most important ecological and genetic processes organizing the …
selection—is one of the most important ecological and genetic processes organizing the …
On the origin of interictal activity in human temporal lobe epilepsy in vitro
The origin and mechanisms of human interictal epileptic discharges remain unclear. Here,
we describe a spontaneous, rhythmic activity initiated in the subiculum of slices from patients …
we describe a spontaneous, rhythmic activity initiated in the subiculum of slices from patients …
The unique mutation in ace‐1 giving high insecticide resistance is easily detectable in mosquito vectors
High insecticide resistance resulting from insensitive acetylcholinesterase (AChE) has
emerged in mosquitoes. A single mutation (G119S of the ace‐1 gene) explains this high …
emerged in mosquitoes. A single mutation (G119S of the ace‐1 gene) explains this high …
Insertion polymorphisms of SINE200 retrotransposons within speciation islands of Anopheles gambiae molecular forms
Abstract Background SINEs (Short INterspersed Elements) are homoplasy-free and co-
dominant genetic markers which are considered to represent useful tools for population …
dominant genetic markers which are considered to represent useful tools for population …
Simultaneous identification of species and molecular forms of the Anopheles gambiae complex by PCR‐RFLP
C Fanello, F Santolamazza… - Medical and veterinary …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
For differential identification of sibling species in the Anopheles gambiae Giles complex
(Diptera: Culicidae), including simultaneous separation of M and S molecular forms within …
(Diptera: Culicidae), including simultaneous separation of M and S molecular forms within …
A Polytene Chromosome Analysis of the Anopheles gambiae Species Complex
M Coluzzi, A Sabatini, A della Torre, MA Di Deco… - Science, 2002 - science.org
Field-collected specimens of all known taxa in the Anopheles gambiae complex were
analyzed on the basis of chromosome inversions with reference to a standard polytene …
analyzed on the basis of chromosome inversions with reference to a standard polytene …
Speciation across the t ree of l ife
T Hernández‐Hernández, EC Miller… - Biological …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Much of what we know about speciation comes from detailed studies of well‐known model
systems. Although there have been several important syntheses on speciation, few (if any) …
systems. Although there have been several important syntheses on speciation, few (if any) …