RISE-based backstep** control design for an electro-hydraulic arm system with parametric uncertainties
In this paper, a self-tuning Robust Integral of Sign of Error (RISE)-based backstep**
controller is designed for an electro-hydraulic arm system with a fourth-order system model …
controller is designed for an electro-hydraulic arm system with a fourth-order system model …
[HTML][HTML] Adaptive robust disturbance rejection backstep** control of a novel friction electro-hydraulic load simulator
C **g, H Zhang, Y Hui, LP Zhang, H Xu - Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper introduces a novel frictional electro-hydraulic load simulator that avoids the
problem of force-motion coupling disturbances in traditional electro-hydraulic load …
problem of force-motion coupling disturbances in traditional electro-hydraulic load …
[PDF][PDF] Hybrid Control Algorithm Sliding Mode-PID for an Electrohydraulic Servo Actuator System Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Technique
MZ Fadel - International Information and Engineering Technology …, 2023 - academia.edu
Accepted: 8 February 2023 The Electro-Hydraulic Servo Actuators (EHSA) use the
technology of the integration between hydraulic and electrical systems. These Actuators are …
technology of the integration between hydraulic and electrical systems. These Actuators are …
A Novel Dynamically Self Tuned Force/Torque Observer Formulation for Human Interaction in Collaborative Robotic Applications
In this study, we present the design and numerical implementation of a novel force/torque
observer formulation, for collaborative robotic tasks that might require human interaction …
observer formulation, for collaborative robotic tasks that might require human interaction …
Performance Evaluation of EHA System in the Presence of Mass and Pressure Variation using MOPSO-SMC
The usage of the Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (EHA) system in industrial machinery has
increasingly attracted public attention nowadays by providing a highly stable output …
increasingly attracted public attention nowadays by providing a highly stable output …
Elektrohidrolik bir sistemin pekiştirmeli öğrenme tabanlı denetleyici ile konum denetiminin gerçekleştirilmesi
Elektrohidrolik sistemler sağladıkları avantajlar sebebiyle endüstrinin vazgeçilmezi olmuştur.
Buna karşın hidrolik sistemlerin doğrusal olmayan karakteristik özellikleri ve çok sayıda …
Buna karşın hidrolik sistemlerin doğrusal olmayan karakteristik özellikleri ve çok sayıda …
[PDF][PDF] Control de morfologías cambiantes para manipulación aérea.
OR Abreo - tesis.ipn.mx
El objetivo fundamental de la presente tesis doctoral es el diseño e implementación de un
sistema que permita la manipulación precavida de objetos mediante un manipulador …
sistema que permita la manipulación precavida de objetos mediante un manipulador …