Evolutionary ecology of intraspecific brain size variation: a review
A Gonda, G Herczeg, J Merilä - Ecology and Evolution, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The brain is a trait of central importance for organismal performance and fitness. To date,
evolutionary studies of brain size variation have mainly utilized comparative methods …
evolutionary studies of brain size variation have mainly utilized comparative methods …
The impact of selection, gene flow and demographic history on heterogeneous genomic divergence: Three‐spine sticklebacks in divergent environments
Heterogeneous genomic divergence between populations may reflect selection, but should
also be seen in conjunction with gene flow and drift, particularly population bottlenecks …
also be seen in conjunction with gene flow and drift, particularly population bottlenecks …
Predator–prey role reversal may impair the recovery of declining pike populations
Many fish populations have experienced declines in recent decades due to anthropogenic
disturbances, such as overfishing and habitat exploitation. Despite management actions …
disturbances, such as overfishing and habitat exploitation. Despite management actions …
Genomic parallelism and lack thereof in contrasting systems of three‐spined sticklebacks
Parallel evolution and the extent to which it involves gene reuse have attracted much
interest. Whereas it has theoretically been predicted under which circumstances gene reuse …
interest. Whereas it has theoretically been predicted under which circumstances gene reuse …
Natural selection and the adaptive radiation of Haida Gwaii stickleback
TE Reimchen, C Bergstrom… - Evolutionary Ecology …, 2013 - evolutionary-ecology.com
eel MeerHOLD Page 1 Natural selection and the adaptive radiation of Haida Gwaii stickleback
Thomas E. Reimchen, Carolyn Bergstrom* and Patrik Nosil # Department of Biology, University …
Thomas E. Reimchen, Carolyn Bergstrom* and Patrik Nosil # Department of Biology, University …
Iterative development and the scope for plasticity: contrasts among trait categories in an adaptive radiation
Phenotypic plasticity can influence evolutionary change in a lineage, ranging from
facilitation of population persistence in a novel environment to directing the patterns of …
facilitation of population persistence in a novel environment to directing the patterns of …
Ecology shapes the evolutionary trade‐off between predator avoidance and defence in coral reef butterflyfishes
Antipredator defensive traits are thought to trade‐off evolutionarily with traits that facilitate
predator avoidance. However, complexity and scale have precluded tests of this prediction …
predator avoidance. However, complexity and scale have precluded tests of this prediction …
On dangerous ground: the evolution of body armour in cordyline lizards
Animal body armour is often considered an adaptation that protects prey against predatory
attacks, yet comparative studies that link the diversification of these allegedly protective …
attacks, yet comparative studies that link the diversification of these allegedly protective …
Evidence for adaptive phenotypic differentiation in Baltic Sea sticklebacks
The evidence for adaptive phenotypic differentiation in mobile marine species remains
scarce, partly due to the difficulty of obtaining quantitative genetic data to demonstrate the …
scarce, partly due to the difficulty of obtaining quantitative genetic data to demonstrate the …
Multiple evolutionary pathways to decreased lateral plate coverage in freshwater threespine sticklebacks
Adaptation to novel environments can be based either on standing genetic variation or
variation attributable to new mutations. When standing genetic variation for a functional …
variation attributable to new mutations. When standing genetic variation for a functional …