Nutrition, one-carbon metabolism and arsenic methylation
Exposure to arsenic (As) is a major public health concern globally. Inorganic As (InAs)
undergoes hepatic methylation to form monomethyl (MMAs)-and dimethyl (DMAs)-arsenical …
undergoes hepatic methylation to form monomethyl (MMAs)-and dimethyl (DMAs)-arsenical …
[HTML][HTML] Association between heavy metals, metalloids and metabolic syndrome: new insights and approaches
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is an important public health issue that affects millions of people
around the world and is growing to pandemic-like proportions. This syndrome is defined by …
around the world and is growing to pandemic-like proportions. This syndrome is defined by …
Integrated miRNA-mRNA analysis reveals the dysregulation of lipid metabolism in mouse liver induced by developmental arsenic exposure
X Chen, R Wu, H Wu, Y Hu, H Wang, J Fu, J Pi… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2023 - Elsevier
Developmental arsenic exposure leads to increased susceptibility to liver diseases including
nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases, but the mechanism is incompletely understood. In this …
nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases, but the mechanism is incompletely understood. In this …
A longitudinal study of rural Bangladeshi children with long-term arsenic and cadmium exposures and biomarkers of cardiometabolic diseases
There is growing interest in understanding the contribution of environmental toxicant
exposure in early life to development of cardiometabolic diseases (CMD) in adulthood. We …
exposure in early life to development of cardiometabolic diseases (CMD) in adulthood. We …
Low-level exposure to lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, and blood pressure among 8-17-year-old participants of the 2009–2016 National Health and Nutrition …
Background Dysregulation of systolic, diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP), and pulse
pressure (PP) in children may predict elevated blood pressure (BP) in adulthood. Toxicant …
pressure (PP) in children may predict elevated blood pressure (BP) in adulthood. Toxicant …
Association of exposure to artificial light at night with atopic diseases: a cross-sectional study in college students
The impact of artificial light at night (ALAN) exposure on health has become increasingly
prominent. However, little is known about the effect of ALAN exposure on atopic diseases. In …
prominent. However, little is known about the effect of ALAN exposure on atopic diseases. In …
Arsenic exposure from drinking water and endothelial dysfunction in Bangladeshi adolescents
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide,
with∼ 80% of CVD-related deaths occurring in low-and middle-income countries. Growing …
with∼ 80% of CVD-related deaths occurring in low-and middle-income countries. Growing …
[HTML][HTML] Heavy metals and related human health risk assessment for river waters in the issyk− kul basin, kyrgyzstan, central asia
The water resources of Central Asia play an important role in maintaining the fragile balance
of ecosystems and the sustainable development of human society. However, the lack of …
of ecosystems and the sustainable development of human society. However, the lack of …
Sex-Specific Effects of Prenatal and Early Life Inorganic and Methylated Arsenic Exposure on Atherosclerotic Plaque Development and Composition in Adult …
LF Negro Silva, K Makhani, M Lemaire… - Environmental …, 2021 -
Background: Epidemiologic studies indicate that early life arsenic exposures are linked to an
increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Different oxidation and methylation states of …
increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Different oxidation and methylation states of …
Association between prenatal metals exposure and blood pressure in 5–6 years children: a birth cohort study
Y Ma, C Liang, Z Wang, X Wang, L **e, S Tao… - Environmental …, 2023 - Elsevier
Background The trajectory of blood pressure (BP) from childhood to early middle age
suggested that individuals with elevated BP in early childhood were more likely to be …
suggested that individuals with elevated BP in early childhood were more likely to be …