Terrestrial aftermath of the Moon-forming impact
Much of the Earth's mantle was melted in the Moon-forming impact. Gases that were not
partially soluble in the melt, such as water and CO2, formed a thick, deep atmosphere …
partially soluble in the melt, such as water and CO2, formed a thick, deep atmosphere …
Tidal Venuses: triggering a climate catastrophe via tidal heating
Traditionally, stellar radiation has been the only heat source considered capable of
determining global climate on long timescales. Here, we show that terrestrial exoplanets …
determining global climate on long timescales. Here, we show that terrestrial exoplanets …
Fine-scale segmentation of the crustal magma reservoir beneath the East Pacific Rise
The global mid-ocean ridge is segmented in its seafloor morphology and magmatic systems,
but the origin of and relationships between this tectonic and magmatic segmentation are …
but the origin of and relationships between this tectonic and magmatic segmentation are …
Beyond spreading rate: Controls on the thermal regime of mid-ocean ridges
The thermal state of mid-ocean ridges exerts a crucial modulation on seafloor spreading
processes that shape~ 2/3 of our planet's surface. Standard thermal models treat the ridge …
processes that shape~ 2/3 of our planet's surface. Standard thermal models treat the ridge …
Correlations between oceanic crustal thickness, melt volume, and spreading rate from global gravity observation
Oceanic crustal accretion at mid-ocean ridges is a function of spreading rate, mantle
temperature, and composition, which are intertwined in affecting melt production and …
temperature, and composition, which are intertwined in affecting melt production and …
Crustal magmatic system beneath the East Pacific Rise (8 20′ to 10 10′ N): Implications for tectonomagmatic segmentation and crustal melt transport at fast …
Detailed images of the midcrustal magmatic system beneath the East Pacific Rise (8° 20′–
10° 10′ N) are obtained from 2‐D and 3‐D‐swath processing of along axis seismic data …
10° 10′ N) are obtained from 2‐D and 3‐D‐swath processing of along axis seismic data …
Hydrothermal activity along the slow-spreading Lucky Strike ridge segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): Distribution, heatflux, and geological controls
We have reviewed available visual information from the seafloor, and recently acquired
microbathymetry for several traverses across the Lucky Strike segment, to evaluate the …
microbathymetry for several traverses across the Lucky Strike segment, to evaluate the …
Thermal regime of slow and ultraslow spreading ridges controlled by melt supply and modes of emplacement
Melt supply at slow‐ultraslow spreading ridges is overall reduced and highly variable.
Magma cooling and crystallization substantially shape the axial thermal regime by providing …
Magma cooling and crystallization substantially shape the axial thermal regime by providing …
Hydrothermal seismicity beneath the summit of Lucky Strike volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
We present twoyears (July 2007–July 2009) of earthquake locations from a local
seismological network on the Lucky Strike volcano (Mid-Atlantic Ridge), whose summit hosts …
seismological network on the Lucky Strike volcano (Mid-Atlantic Ridge), whose summit hosts …
Variations in axial magma lens properties along the East Pacific Rise (9° 30′ N–10° 00′ N) from swath 3‐D seismic imaging and 1‐D waveform inversion
We use three‐dimensional multistreamer seismic reflection data to investigate variations in
axial magma lens (AML) physical properties along the East Pacific Rise between 9° 30′ N …
axial magma lens (AML) physical properties along the East Pacific Rise between 9° 30′ N …