Quantum steering
Quantum correlations between two parties are essential for the argument of Einstein,
Podolsky, and Rosen in favor of the incompleteness of quantum mechanics. Schrödinger …
Podolsky, and Rosen in favor of the incompleteness of quantum mechanics. Schrödinger …
Semidefinite programming relaxations for quantum correlations
Semidefinite programs are convex optimization problems involving a linear objective
function and a domain of positive-semidefinite matrices. Over the past two decades, they …
function and a domain of positive-semidefinite matrices. Over the past two decades, they …
Colloquium: Incompatible measurements in quantum information science
Some measurements in quantum mechanics disturb each other. This has puzzled physicists
since the formulation of the theory, but only in recent decades has the incompatibility of …
since the formulation of the theory, but only in recent decades has the incompatibility of …
Quantum steering: a review with focus on semidefinite programming
Quantum steering refers to the non-classical correlations that can be observed between the
outcomes of measurements applied on half of an entangled state and the resulting post …
outcomes of measurements applied on half of an entangled state and the resulting post …
Quantum steering: Practical challenges and future directions
Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky (EPR) steering or quantum steering describes the “spooky action
at a distance” that one party is able to remotely alter the states of the other if they share a …
at a distance” that one party is able to remotely alter the states of the other if they share a …
An invitation to quantum incompatibility
In the context of a physical theory, two devices, A and B, described by the theory are called
incompatible if the theory does not allow the existence of a third device C that would have …
incompatible if the theory does not allow the existence of a third device C that would have …
All sets of incompatible measurements give an advantage in quantum state discrimination
Some quantum measurements cannot be performed simultaneously; ie, they are
incompatible. Here we show that every set of incompatible measurements provides an …
incompatible. Here we show that every set of incompatible measurements provides an …
Compatibility of generalized noisy qubit measurements
MJ Renner - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
It is a crucial feature of quantum mechanics that not all measurements are compatible with
each other. However, if measurements suffer from noise they may lose their incompatibility …
each other. However, if measurements suffer from noise they may lose their incompatibility …
Quantifying quantum resources with conic programming
Resource theories can be used to formalize the quantification and manipulation of resources
in quantum information processing such as entanglement, asymmetry and coherence of …
in quantum information processing such as entanglement, asymmetry and coherence of …
Quantum incompatibility witnesses
We demonstrate that quantum incompatibility can always be detected by means of a state
discrimination task with partial intermediate information. This is done by showing that only …
discrimination task with partial intermediate information. This is done by showing that only …