Educational data mining and learning analytics in programming: Literature review and case studies
Educational data mining and learning analytics promise better understanding of student
behavior and knowledge, as well as new information on the tacit factors that contribute to …
behavior and knowledge, as well as new information on the tacit factors that contribute to …
Investigating the potential of gpt-3 in providing feedback for programming assessments
Recent advances in artificial intelligence have led to the development of large language
models (LLMs), which are able to generate text, images, and source code based on prompts …
models (LLMs), which are able to generate text, images, and source code based on prompts …
Programming pedagogy and assessment in the era of AI/ML: A position paper
A growing set of tasks that once depended critically on human cognition can now be
effectively accomplished by automated systems, either independently or in partnership with …
effectively accomplished by automated systems, either independently or in partnership with …
How students unit test: Perceptions, practices, and pitfalls
Unit testing is reported as one of the skills that graduating students lack, yet it is an essential
skill for professional software developers. Understanding the challenges students face …
skill for professional software developers. Understanding the challenges students face …
Do the Test Smells Assertion Roulette and Eager Test Impact Students' Troubleshooting and Debugging Capabilities?
To ensure the quality of a software system, developers perform an activity known as unit
testing, where they write code (known as test cases) that verifies the individual software units …
testing, where they write code (known as test cases) that verifies the individual software units …
Fast and accurate incremental feedback for students' software tests using selective mutation analysis
As incorporating software testing into programming assignments becomes routine,
educators have begun to assess not only the correctness of students' software, but also the …
educators have begun to assess not only the correctness of students' software, but also the …
Do student programmers all tend to write the same software tests?
While many educators have added software testing practices to their programming
assignments, assessing the effectiveness of student-written tests using statement coverage …
assignments, assessing the effectiveness of student-written tests using statement coverage …
An automated system for interactively learning software testing
Testing is an important, time-consuming, and often difficult part of the software development
process. It is therefore critical to introduce testing early in the computer science curriculum …
process. It is therefore critical to introduce testing early in the computer science curriculum …
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Testing Checklist Intervention in CS2: An Quasi-experimental Replication Study
Students often run into trouble when learning and practicing software testing. Recent prior
studies demonstrate that a lightweight testing checklist that contains testing strategies and …
studies demonstrate that a lightweight testing checklist that contains testing strategies and …
Assessing incremental testing practices and their impact on project outcomes
Software testing is an important aspect of the development process, one that has proven to
be a challenge to formally introduce into the typical undergraduate CS curriculum …
be a challenge to formally introduce into the typical undergraduate CS curriculum …