Communication methods and systems for nonlinear multi-user environments

A Eliaz, I Reuven - US Patent 9,130,637, 2015 - Google Patents
2015-10-28 Assigned to MagnaCom Ltd. reassignment MagnaCom Ltd. ASSIGNMENT OF

Disk drive adapting target values of a sequence detector relative to bit error rate of the sequence detector

AJ Wang - US Patent 7,898,756, 2011 - Google Patents
(22) Filed: Jul. 23, 2008 A disk drive is disclosed comprising a disk and a head actu ated
radially over the disk, wherein the head generates a read (51) Int. Cl. signal. A sampling …

Disk drive adapting equalizer relative to bit error rate of sequence detector

AJ Wang - US Patent 7,944,639, 2011 - Google Patents
A disk drive is disclosed comprising a disk and a head actuated radially over the disk,
wherein the head generates a read signal. A sampling device samples the read signal to …

Disk drive detecting gas leaking from head disk assembly

CR Patton III - US Patent 8,687,307, 2014 - Google Patents
5.835, 581. A 10/1998 Moritaetal. over a disk, and an electrical heating element. A pressure
5,978,163 A 1 1/1999 Cunningham inside the HDA is measured, and the electrical heating …

Soft and hard sequence detection in ISI memory channels

A Kavcic, JMF Moura - US Patent 6,438,180, 2002 - Google Patents
The present invention is directed to a method of deter mining branch metric values in a
detector. The method includes receiving a plurality of time variant Signal Samples, the …

Efficient partial response equalization

M Gonikberg - US Patent 7,139,337, 2006 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to data communications and
in particular to efficient partial response equalization. 2. Description of the Related Art The …

Highly-spectrally-efficient transmission using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing

A Eliaz, I Reuven - US Patent 8,781,008, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A transmitter may map, using a selected modulation constel lation, each of
C bit sequences to a respective one of C symbols, where C'is a number greater than one …

Efficient reduced state maximum likelihood sequence estimator

M Gonikberg - US Patent 6,618,451, 2003 - Google Patents
A reduced state maximum likelihood sequence estimator allows the use of improved
equalization techniques that provides greatly improved performance for channels with …

Reduced state sequence estimation with soft decision outputs

A Eliaz, I Reuven - US Patent 8,666,000, 2014 - Google Patents
2002fOO16938 2002/O1233. 18 2002fO150065 2002fO150184 2003/021O352
2005/0047517 2005/O135472 2005/022O218 2005/0265470 2005/0276317 2006 …

System and method for high-speed decoding and ISI compensation in a multi-pair transceiver system

OE Azazzi, D Kruse, A Abnous, M Hatamian - US Patent 6,249,544, 2001 - Google Patents
In recent years, local area network (LAN) applications have become more and more
prevalent as a means for providing local interconnect between personal computer Systems …