Maximizing Quantum Enhancement in Axion Dark Matter Experiments
We provide a comprehensive comparison of linear amplifiers and microwave photon-
counters in axion dark matter experiments. The study is done assuming a range of realistic …
counters in axion dark matter experiments. The study is done assuming a range of realistic …
Uniform Field in Microwave Cavities Through the Use of Effective Magnetic Walls
Wire media (WM) resonators have emerged as promising realization for plasma haloscopes--
devices designed to detect axions, a potential component of dark matter. Key factors …
devices designed to detect axions, a potential component of dark matter. Key factors …
A tunable dielectric resonator for axion searches at 11 GHz
In the context of axion search with haloscopes, tunable cavity resonators with high quality
factor and high effective volume at frequencies above about 8 GHz are central for probing …
factor and high effective volume at frequencies above about 8 GHz are central for probing …