[HTML][HTML] An ensemble machine learning model for the prediction of danger zones: Towards a global counter-terrorism
Terrorism can be described as the use of violence against persons or properties to
intimidate or coerce a government or its citizens to some certain political or social objectives …
intimidate or coerce a government or its citizens to some certain political or social objectives …
Biased Social Media Debates About Terrorism? A Content Analysis of Journalistic Coverage of and Audience Reactions to Terrorist Attacks on YouTube
L Rothenberger, V Hase - Social Media+ Society, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Social media are an important source of news during crises such as terrorist attacks.
However, how news media and their audiences make sense of terrorism on social media is …
However, how news media and their audiences make sense of terrorism on social media is …
Challenging the global cultural conflict narrative: An automated content analysis on how perpetrator identity shapes worldwide news coverage of Islamist and right …
Recent terrorist attacks such as the Christchurch mosque attacks in 2019 renew the
discussion of whether right-wing attacks are reported less negatively than Islamist attacks …
discussion of whether right-wing attacks are reported less negatively than Islamist attacks …
Why are some suicide terror attacks more newsworthy than others?
S Weeraratne - Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Given their deeply deviant nature, suicide terror attacks are highly newsworthy events and in
theory, should attract high levels of media coverage. However, this is not the case and some …
theory, should attract high levels of media coverage. However, this is not the case and some …
The Gangster and the Bride: The Media Representation of Masculinity and Femininity in News Coverage of Jihadi Terrorists
M Krona, O Caskey - Terrorism and Political Violence, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
When European nationals left to join Islamic State, the media extensively reported on many
of these individuals. Women's news coverage had a recurrent narrative—the “jihadi bride.” …
of these individuals. Women's news coverage had a recurrent narrative—the “jihadi bride.” …
Fifty years of peril: A comprehensive comparison of the impact of terrorism and disasters linked to natural hazards (1970–2019)
T Wilson, I Noy - Global Policy, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
We compare the realised impact of terrorism and disasters linked to natural hazards. Using
50 years of data from two databases covering most of the global population, we find that …
50 years of data from two databases covering most of the global population, we find that …
[PDF][PDF] Content analysis in the research field of terrorism coverage
L Rothenberger, V Hase - Standardisierte Inhaltsanalyse in der …, 2022 - library.oapen.org
Terrorism research has seen an increase in scholarly debate and empirical studies since the
1970s, with an abrupt rise after the September 11, 2001 attacks (Jones 2007; Kocks et al …
1970s, with an abrupt rise after the September 11, 2001 attacks (Jones 2007; Kocks et al …
NMM Rashid, F Riaz - e-BANGI Journal, 2022 - journalarticle.ukm.my
The news has been a place for violent extremist groups to gain recognition internationally.
The Syrian Civil war which had involved notorious and internationally recognised violent …
The Syrian Civil war which had involved notorious and internationally recognised violent …
Literature report for project: do scandals matter?
C Guo - 2023 - repositories.lib.utexas.edu
This report is designed to be a foundation study for the upcoming dissertation project. The
full project argues that increased polarization leads to increased scandal toleration. Affective …
full project argues that increased polarization leads to increased scandal toleration. Affective …
[HTML][HTML] The importance of media literacy in a culture of extremist violence
R Hobbs - Media Development, 2023 - waccglobal.org
WACC | The importance of media literacy in a culture of extremist violence DONATEJOIN
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Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo About us Contact us Our organization About WACC Vision and …