Rydberg atom quantum technologies

CS Adams, JD Pritchard… - Journal of Physics B …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
This topical review addresses how Rydberg atoms can serve as building blocks for
emerging quantum technologies. Whereas the fabrication of large numbers of artificial …

Quantum sensing of microwave electric fields based on Rydberg atoms

J Yuan, W Yang, M **g, H Zhang, Y Jiao… - Reports on Progress …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
Microwave electric field (MW E-field) sensing is important for a wide range of applications in
the areas of remote sensing, radar astronomy and communications. Over the past decade …

Atomic superheterodyne receiver based on microwave-dressed Rydberg spectroscopy

M **g, Y Hu, J Ma, H Zhang, L Zhang, L **ao, S Jia - Nature Physics, 2020 - nature.com
Highly sensitive phase-and frequency-resolved detection of microwave electric fields is of
central importance in a wide range of fields, including cosmology,, meteorology …

Methylammonium-free, high-performance, and stable perovskite solar cells on a planar architecture

SH Turren-Cruz, A Hagfeldt, M Saliba - Science, 2018 - science.org
Currently, perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with high performances greater than 20% contain
bromine (Br), causing a suboptimal bandgap, and the thermally unstable methylammonium …

Quantum-enabled millimetre wave to optical transduction using neutral atoms

A Kumar, A Suleymanzade, M Stone, L Taneja… - Nature, 2023 - nature.com
Early experiments with transiting circular Rydberg atoms in a superconducting resonator laid
the foundations of modern cavity and circuit quantum electrodynamics, and helped explore …

Rydberg states of alkali atoms in atomic vapour as SI-traceable field probes and communications receivers

N Schlossberger, N Prajapati, S Berweger… - Nature Reviews …, 2024 - nature.com
Rydberg states of alkali atoms are highly sensitive to electric fields because their electron
wavefunction has a large spatial extent, leading to large polarizabilities for static fields and …

A practical guide to electromagnetically induced transparency in atomic vapor

R Finkelstein, S Bali, O Firstenberg… - New Journal of …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
This tutorial introduces the theoretical and experimental basics of electromagnetically
induced transparency (EIT) in thermal alkali vapors. We first give a brief phenomenological …

Highly sensitive measurement of a megahertz rf electric field with a Rydberg-atom sensor

B Liu, LH Zhang, ZK Liu, ZY Zhang, ZH Zhu, W Gao… - Physical Review …, 2022 - APS
Rydberg atoms have great potential in electric field measurement and have an advantage
with a large frequency bandwidth from the kHz to the THz scale. However, the sensitivity for …

Microwave electrometry with Rydberg atoms in a vapour cell using bright atomic resonances

JA Sedlacek, A Schwettmann, H Kübler, R Löw, T Pfau… - Nature physics, 2012 - nature.com
Atom-based standards for length and time as well as other physical quantities such as
magnetic fields show clear advantages by enabling stable and uniform measurements. Here …

A Rydberg atom-based mixer: Measuring the phase of a radio frequency wave

MT Simons, AH Haddab, JA Gordon… - Applied Physics …, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
Rydberg atoms have been shown to be very useful in performing absolute measurements of
the magnitude of a radio frequency (RF) field using electromagnetically induced …