Recent advances and future research in ecological stoichiometry
Studies on ecological stoichiometry (ES) have increased rapidly in number in recent years.
Continuous exploration of classical concepts such as the growth-rate hypothesis (GRH),) …
Continuous exploration of classical concepts such as the growth-rate hypothesis (GRH),) …
Plant responses to nutrient addition experiments conducted in tropical forests
SJ Wright - Ecological Monographs, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
I present a meta‐analysis of plant responses to 48 nutrient addition experiments conducted
with native species in naturally growing tropical forests, exclusive of mangrove forests. The …
with native species in naturally growing tropical forests, exclusive of mangrove forests. The …
Role of forest regrowth in global carbon sink dynamics
Although the existence of a large carbon sink in terrestrial ecosystems is well-established,
the drivers of this sink remain uncertain. It has been suggested that perturbations to forest …
the drivers of this sink remain uncertain. It has been suggested that perturbations to forest …
A meta‐analysis highlights globally widespread potassium limitation in terrestrial ecosystems
Potassium (K+) is the most abundant inorganic cation in plant cells, playing a critical role in
various plant functions. However, the impacts of K on natural terrestrial ecosystems have …
various plant functions. However, the impacts of K on natural terrestrial ecosystems have …
Soil parent material—A major driver of plant nutrient limitations in terrestrial ecosystems
Because the capability of terrestrial ecosystems to fix carbon is constrained by nutrient
availability, understanding how nutrients limit plant growth is a key contemporary question …
availability, understanding how nutrients limit plant growth is a key contemporary question …
The bioelements, the elementome, and the biogeochemical niche
Every living creature on Earth is made of atoms of the various bioelements that are
harnessed in the construction of molecules, tissues, organisms, and communities, as we …
harnessed in the construction of molecules, tissues, organisms, and communities, as we …
Biogeochemistry and geographical ecology: embracing all twenty-five elements required to build organisms
Biogeochemistry is a key but relatively neglected part of the abiotic template that underlies
ecology. The template has a geography, one that is increasingly being rearranged in this era …
ecology. The template has a geography, one that is increasingly being rearranged in this era …
A direct test of nitrogen and phosphorus limitation to net primary productivity in a lowland tropical wet forest
Experimental evidence for limitation of net primary productivity (NPP) by nitrogen (N) or
phosphorus (P) in lowland tropical forests is rare, and the results from the few existing …
phosphorus (P) in lowland tropical forests is rare, and the results from the few existing …
Abiotic and biotic drivers of biomass change in a Neotropical forest
Tropical forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle, but the drivers of net forest
biomass change (ie net carbon sequestration) are poorly understood. Here, we evaluate …
biomass change (ie net carbon sequestration) are poorly understood. Here, we evaluate …
Competition influences tree growth, but not mortality, across environmental gradients in Amazonia and tropical Africa
Competition among trees is an important driver of community structure and dynamics in
tropical forests. Neighboring trees may impact an individual tree's growth rate and …
tropical forests. Neighboring trees may impact an individual tree's growth rate and …