[KNYGA][B] Planning programs for adult learners: A practical guide

RS Caffarella, SR Daffron - 2013 - books.google.com
Planning Programs for Adult Learners, Third Edition covers the development of adult
education programs in clear, specific detail. This popular step-by-step guide contains …

“Something to live for”: Weekly singing classes at a Chinese university for retirees

J Southcott, S Li - International Journal of Music Education, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Active music participation offers a way for older people to sustain wellbeing and health. This
article explores the understandings and experiences of a group of older Chinese people …

[PDF][PDF] Novel approaches for searching and recommending learning resources

TT Dien, N Hai, N Thai-Nghe - Cybernetics and Information …, 2023 - sciendo.com
This study proposes models for searching and recommending learning resources to meet
the needs of learners, hel** to achieve better student performance results. The study …

The fallacies of open: Participatory design, infrastructuring, and the pursuit of radical possibility

S West-Puckett, A Smith, C Cantrill… - Contemporary Issues in …, 2018 - learntechlib.org
To better understand the impacts of participatory design in English language arts teacher
education, this critical case study focuses on the National Writing Project's Connected …

Mentoring a culturally diverse community of student teachers in practice teaching

M Rachamim, L Orland-Barak - … Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in …, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose This in-depth case study examined the mentor's role in mediating a culturally
diverse community of student teachers-as-learners in the context of practice teaching in …

Open for whom? Open educational practice with Indigenous workforce development and learners

J Funk - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Public institutions are consistently challenged to appropriately include diverse populations,
knowledges and cultures. Public policy sectors can reconcile some of these challenges and …

Políticas de Diferenciação do Currículo: da organização do conhecimento às práticas pedagógicas

JA Pacheco, JCS Freire - 2012 - repositorium.uminho.pt
Políticas de Diferenciação do Currículo: da organização do conhecimento às práticas
pedagógicas. Neste artigo, escrevemos sobre a Educação do Campo, uma forma especial e …

Framing university small group talk: Knowledge construction through lexical concepts

Y Pan - 2017 - theses.ncl.ac.uk
Knowledge construction in educational discourse continues to interest practitioners and
researchers due to the conceptually “natural” connection between knowledge and learning …

Perspectiva construcionista social e dimensão cultural: contribuições para os estudos organizacionais

FR Veloso, F Stocker, YLM Bulgacov… - Revista de Gestão e …, 2020 - revistagesec.org.br
Com o advento da modernidade as organizações tornaram-se o cerne da vida social. O
interesse em compreender este fenômeno aproximou os estudos organizacionais dos …

[PDF][PDF] Older Chinese-Australian and Chinese community music engagement

S Li - 2013 - scholar.archive.org
This research study will investigate community music engagement by both Chinese-
Australians and Chinese older people at two different older people's organizations with the …