[KNYGA][B] Planning programs for adult learners: A practical guide
RS Caffarella, SR Daffron - 2013 - books.google.com
Planning Programs for Adult Learners, Third Edition covers the development of adult
education programs in clear, specific detail. This popular step-by-step guide contains …
education programs in clear, specific detail. This popular step-by-step guide contains …
“Something to live for”: Weekly singing classes at a Chinese university for retirees
J Southcott, S Li - International Journal of Music Education, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Active music participation offers a way for older people to sustain wellbeing and health. This
article explores the understandings and experiences of a group of older Chinese people …
article explores the understandings and experiences of a group of older Chinese people …
[PDF][PDF] Novel approaches for searching and recommending learning resources
This study proposes models for searching and recommending learning resources to meet
the needs of learners, hel** to achieve better student performance results. The study …
the needs of learners, hel** to achieve better student performance results. The study …
The fallacies of open: Participatory design, infrastructuring, and the pursuit of radical possibility
To better understand the impacts of participatory design in English language arts teacher
education, this critical case study focuses on the National Writing Project's Connected …
education, this critical case study focuses on the National Writing Project's Connected …
Mentoring a culturally diverse community of student teachers in practice teaching
M Rachamim, L Orland-Barak - … Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in …, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose This in-depth case study examined the mentor's role in mediating a culturally
diverse community of student teachers-as-learners in the context of practice teaching in …
diverse community of student teachers-as-learners in the context of practice teaching in …
Open for whom? Open educational practice with Indigenous workforce development and learners
J Funk - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Public institutions are consistently challenged to appropriately include diverse populations,
knowledges and cultures. Public policy sectors can reconcile some of these challenges and …
knowledges and cultures. Public policy sectors can reconcile some of these challenges and …
Políticas de Diferenciação do Currículo: da organização do conhecimento às práticas pedagógicas
JA Pacheco, JCS Freire - 2012 - repositorium.uminho.pt
Políticas de Diferenciação do Currículo: da organização do conhecimento às práticas
pedagógicas. Neste artigo, escrevemos sobre a Educação do Campo, uma forma especial e …
pedagógicas. Neste artigo, escrevemos sobre a Educação do Campo, uma forma especial e …
Framing university small group talk: Knowledge construction through lexical concepts
Y Pan - 2017 - theses.ncl.ac.uk
Knowledge construction in educational discourse continues to interest practitioners and
researchers due to the conceptually “natural” connection between knowledge and learning …
researchers due to the conceptually “natural” connection between knowledge and learning …
Perspectiva construcionista social e dimensão cultural: contribuições para os estudos organizacionais
FR Veloso, F Stocker, YLM Bulgacov… - Revista de Gestão e …, 2020 - revistagesec.org.br
Com o advento da modernidade as organizações tornaram-se o cerne da vida social. O
interesse em compreender este fenômeno aproximou os estudos organizacionais dos …
interesse em compreender este fenômeno aproximou os estudos organizacionais dos …
[PDF][PDF] Older Chinese-Australian and Chinese community music engagement
S Li - 2013 - scholar.archive.org
This research study will investigate community music engagement by both Chinese-
Australians and Chinese older people at two different older people's organizations with the …
Australians and Chinese older people at two different older people's organizations with the …