Integrating terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to constrain estimates of land-atmosphere carbon exchange
In this Perspective, we put forward an integrative framework to improve estimates of land-
atmosphere carbon exchange based on the accumulation of carbon in the landscape as …
atmosphere carbon exchange based on the accumulation of carbon in the landscape as …
Terrestrial gross primary production: Using NIRV to scale from site to globe
Terrestrial photosynthesis is the largest and one of the most uncertain fluxes in the global
carbon cycle. We find that near‐infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRV), a remotely sensed …
carbon cycle. We find that near‐infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRV), a remotely sensed …
ECOSTRESS: NASA's next generation mission to measure evapotranspiration from the international space station
Abstract The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station
(ECOSTRESS) was launched to the International Space Station on 29 June 2018 by the …
(ECOSTRESS) was launched to the International Space Station on 29 June 2018 by the …
Multi-scale evaluation of global gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration products derived from Breathing Earth System Simulator (BESS)
Several global gross primary production (GPP) and evapotranspiration (ET) remote sensing
products exist, mainly provided by machine-learning (eg MPI-BGC) and semi-empirical (eg …
products exist, mainly provided by machine-learning (eg MPI-BGC) and semi-empirical (eg …
The seasonal cycle of satellite chlorophyll fluorescence observations and its relationship to vegetation phenology and ecosystem atmosphere carbon exchange
Map** of terrestrial chlorophyll fluorescence from space has shown potential for providing
global measurements related to gross primary productivity (GPP). In particular, space-based …
global measurements related to gross primary productivity (GPP). In particular, space-based …
Evaluation of the reanalysis products from GSFC, NCEP, and ECMWF using flux tower observations
M Decker, MA Brunke, Z Wang, K Sakaguchi… - Journal of …, 2012 -
Reanalysis products produced at the various centers around the globe are utilized for many
different scientific endeavors, including forcing land surface models and creating surface flux …
different scientific endeavors, including forcing land surface models and creating surface flux …
Consistency between sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary production of vegetation in North America
Accurate estimation of the gross primary production (GPP) of terrestrial ecosystems is vital
for a better understanding of the spatial-temporal patterns of the global carbon cycle. In this …
for a better understanding of the spatial-temporal patterns of the global carbon cycle. In this …
A model‐data comparison of gross primary productivity: Results from the North American Carbon Program site synthesis
Accurately simulating gross primary productivity (GPP) in terrestrial ecosystem models is
critical because errors in simulated GPP propagate through the model to introduce …
critical because errors in simulated GPP propagate through the model to introduce …
The uncertain climate footprint of wetlands under human pressure
Significant climate risks are associated with a positive carbon–temperature feedback in
northern latitude carbon-rich ecosystems, making an accurate analysis of human impacts on …
northern latitude carbon-rich ecosystems, making an accurate analysis of human impacts on …
Contrasting ecosystem CO2 fluxes of inland and coastal wetlands: a meta‐analysis of eddy covariance data
W Lu, J **ao, F Liu, Y Zhang, C Liu… - Global Change …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Wetlands play an important role in regulating the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2)
concentrations and thus affecting the climate. However, there is still lack of quantitative …
concentrations and thus affecting the climate. However, there is still lack of quantitative …