[CARTE][B] Answer set programming: A primer

T Eiter, G Ianni, T Krennwallner - 2009 - Springer
Abstract Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a declarative problem solving paradigm, rooted
in Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, which has been gaining increasing …

[CARTE][B] Ontology-driven software development

JZ Pan, S Staab, U Aßmann, J Ebert, Y Zhao - 2012 - books.google.com
This book is about a significant step forward in software development. It brings state-of-the-
art ontology reasoning into mainstream software development and its languages. Ontology …

Rules and ontologies for the semantic web

T Eiter, G Ianni, T Krennwallner, A Polleres - Reasoning Web: 4th …, 2008 - Springer
Rules and ontologies play a key role in the layered architecture of the Semantic Web, as
they are used to ascribe meaning to, and to reason about, data on the Web. While the …

[HTML][HTML] Development and evaluation of an ontology for guiding appropriate antibiotic prescribing

TJ Bright, EY Furuya, GJ Kuperman, JJ Cimino… - Journal of biomedical …, 2012 - Elsevier
OBJECTIVES: To develop and apply formal ontology creation methods to the domain of
antimicrobial prescribing and to formally evaluate the resulting ontology through intrinsic …

Hybrid reasoning in the CARE middleware for context awareness

A Agostini, C Bettini, D Riboni - International journal of Web …, 2009 - inderscienceonline.com
The Context Aggregation and REasoning (CARE) middleware aims at supporting context-
aware adaptation of internet services in a mobile computing environment. Context …

RDF graph validation using rule-based reasoning

B De Meester, P Heyvaert, D Arndt, A Dimou… - Semantic …, 2021 - content.iospress.com
The correct functioning of Semantic Web applications requires that given RDF graphs
adhere to an expected shape. This shape depends on the RDF graph and the application's …

Using rule-based reasoning for RDF validation

D Arndt, BD Meester, A Dimou, R Verborgh… - Rules and Reasoning …, 2017 - Springer
The success of the Semantic Web highly depends on its ingredients. If we want to fully
realize the vision of a machine-readable Web, it is crucial that Linked Data are actually …

Extended RDF as a semantic foundation of rule markup languages

A Analyti, G Antoniou, CV Damásio, G Wagner - Journal of Artificial …, 2008 - jair.org
Ontologies and automated reasoning are the building blocks of the Semantic Web initiative.
Derivation rules can be included in an ontology to define derived concepts, based on base …

[PDF][PDF] SEVA: A Systems Engineer's Virtual Assistant.

J Krishnan, P Coronado, T Reed - AAAI Spring Symposium: Combining …, 2019 - ceur-ws.org
Abstract A Systems Engineer's Virtual Assistant (SEVA) is a novel attempt to bridge the gap
between Natural Language Processing (NLP), Knowledge Base (KB) Construction research …

A dualism based semantics formalization mechanism for model driven engineering

Y Duan - International Journal of Software Science and …, 2009 - igi-global.com
Firstly this article presents a thorough discussion of semantics formalization related issues in
model driven engineering (MDE). Then motivated for the purpose of software …