Checklists for improving rigour in qualitative research: a case of the tail wagging the dog?
RS Barbour - Bmj, 2001 -
Qualitative research methods are enjoying unprecedented popularity. Although checklists
have undoubtedly contributed to the wider acceptance of such methods, these can be …
have undoubtedly contributed to the wider acceptance of such methods, these can be …
Should we appraise the quality of qualitative research reports for systematic reviews, and if so, how?
R Garside - Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Systematic reviews of qualitative research have increasing currency for evidence-based
policy-making. Potentially, this can prevent further marginalization of qualitative evidence …
policy-making. Potentially, this can prevent further marginalization of qualitative evidence …
[CARTE][B] Qualitative analysis
D Ezzy - 2013 -
Offering a detailed introduction to the practice of data analysis, this book is both user-friendly
and theoretically grounded. Drawing on his extensive experience of qualitative research …
and theoretically grounded. Drawing on his extensive experience of qualitative research …
Putting the 'theory'back into grounded theory: guidelines for grounded theory studies in information systems
C Urquhart, H Lehmann… - Information systems journal, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Over the past decade, there has been increasing interest in the use of grounded theory in
information systems research. Grounded theory is a qualitative research method that seeks …
information systems research. Grounded theory is a qualitative research method that seeks …
Using grounded theory method in information systems: The researcher as blank slate and other myths
The use of grounded theory method (GTM) as a research method in information systems (IS)
has gradually increased over the years as qualitative research in general has become more …
has gradually increased over the years as qualitative research in general has become more …
[CARTE][B] Successful qualitative health research: a practical introduction
EC Hansen - 2020 -
A practical overview for health students and health professionals embarking on an applied
research project using a qualitative approach. Successful Qualitative Health Research offers …
research project using a qualitative approach. Successful Qualitative Health Research offers …
Exploring the spiritual needs of people dying of lung cancer or heart failure: a prospective qualitative interview study of patients and their carers
SA Murray, M Kendall, K Boyd, A Worth… - Palliative …, 2004 -
Background: We set out to explore whether patients with life-threatening illnesses and their
informal carers consider they experience significant spiritual needs, in the context of their …
informal carers consider they experience significant spiritual needs, in the context of their …
Choosing qualitative data analysis software: Atlas/ti and Nudist compared
CA Barry - Sociological research online, 1998 -
Choosing between Nudist and Atlas/ti, the main qualitative data analysis software packages
can be difficult. To assist researchers in making this choice, I have conceptualised their …
can be difficult. To assist researchers in making this choice, I have conceptualised their …
Help-seeking before and after episodes of self-harm: a descriptive study in school pupils in England
Background Deliberate self-harm in young people is a cause for concern in many countries.
The vast majority of episodes of self-harm do not result in presentation to hospital and …
The vast majority of episodes of self-harm do not result in presentation to hospital and …
Managing communication with young people who have a potentially life threatening chronic illness: qualitative study of patients and parents
Objectives: To examine young people's and parents' accounts of communication about
cancer in childhood. Design: Semistructured interviews analysed using the constant …
cancer in childhood. Design: Semistructured interviews analysed using the constant …