Encapsulation of extracted carotenoids of Cucurbita maxima through lyophilization

A Sharma, AK Dhiman, S Attri - Pigment & Resin Technology, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to encapsulate the crude carotene pigment isolated from waste
portion of Cucurbita maxima with the help of different encapsulating agents through …

Pumpkin ( Cucurbita )

M Kaur, S Sharma, AS Dhatt - Nutraceuticals from Fruit and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Worldwide, vegetables play a very crucial role in human nutrition but their non‐traditional
edible parts like peels, seeds, leaves, stems are discarded as waste. Despite being enriched …

Utilization of internal waste fluffy portion of Cucurbita maxima for extraction of ß-carotene pigment

A Sharma, AK Dhiman, S Attri - Pigment & Resin Technology, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose Internal fluffy portion along with fibrous strands of ripe pumpkin is considered as
waste in processing industries though it contains sufficient amount of ß-carotene pigment …

[PDF][PDF] Potencial nutricional e bioativo de resíduos de vegetais no contexto de Waste zero e agregação de valor: uma revisão sistemática

JAL Pallone, DPP Silva - Agricultura e …, 2021 - downloads.editoracientifica.com.br
Os alimentos fornecem nutrientes essenciais para a saúde e necessidades fisiológicas dos
seres vivos, entretanto cerca de 33% de todo alimento produzido no mundo é desperdiçado …

[PDF][PDF] Formulation of antioxidant rich muffins using pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne ex Poir.) pulp, seeds and different cereal flours

S Rana, AK Dhiman, D Kathuria - Annals of Phytomedicine, 2022 - researchgate.net
Pumpkin fruit is a rich source of b-carotene whereas, its seeds are an excellent source of
protein, unsaturated fatty acid, vitamin E, etc. Due to the higher amount of functional …


CNES DA DIGESTÃO, R DE BETERRABA - repositorio.unicamp.br
Sementes, folhas e talos muitas vezes são descartados como resíduos alimentares, mas
podem apresentar potencial nutricional. Assim, o estudo da composição nutricional de …