Informed machine learning–a taxonomy and survey of integrating prior knowledge into learning systems
Despite its great success, machine learning can have its limits when dealing with insufficient
training data. A potential solution is the additional integration of prior knowledge into the …
training data. A potential solution is the additional integration of prior knowledge into the …
Causal discovery from temporal data
Temporal data representing chronological observations of complex systems can be
ubiquitously collected in smart industry, medicine, finance and etc. In the last decade, many …
ubiquitously collected in smart industry, medicine, finance and etc. In the last decade, many …
Causal discovery from temporal data: An overview and new perspectives
Temporal data, representing chronological observations of complex systems, has always
been a typical data structure that can be widely generated by many domains, such as …
been a typical data structure that can be widely generated by many domains, such as …
An interactive approach for Bayesian network learning using domain/expert knowledge
Using domain/expert knowledge when learning Bayesian networks from data has been
considered a promising idea since the very beginning of the field. However, in most of the …
considered a promising idea since the very beginning of the field. However, in most of the …
Concept Paper for a Digital Expert: Systematic Derivation of (Causal) Bayesian Networks Based on Ontologies for Knowledge-Based Production Steps
MML Pfaff-Kastner, K Wenzel, S Ihlenfeldt - Machine Learning and …, 2024 - mdpi.com
Despite increasing digitalization and automation, complex production processes often
require human judgment/decision-making adaptability. Humans can abstract and transfer …
require human judgment/decision-making adaptability. Humans can abstract and transfer …
Integrating expert's knowledge constraint of time dependent exposures in structure learning for Bayesian networks
Learning a Bayesian network is a difficult and well known task that has been largely
investigated. To reduce the number of candidate graphs to test, some authors proposed to …
investigated. To reduce the number of candidate graphs to test, some authors proposed to …
[PDF][PDF] Towards Interactive Causal Relation Discovery Driven by an Ontology.
Discovering causal relations in a knowledge base represents nowadays a challenging
issue, as it gives a brand new way of understanding complex domains. In this paper, we …
issue, as it gives a brand new way of understanding complex domains. In this paper, we …
Ontology-based generation of object oriented bayesian networks
Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) are powerful tools for representing and reasoning
under uncertainty. Although useful in several domains, PGMs suffer from their building …
under uncertainty. Although useful in several domains, PGMs suffer from their building …
Interactive causal discovery in knowledge graphs
Being able to provide explanations about a domain is a hard task that requires from a
probabilistic reasoning's viewpoint a causal knowledge about the domain variables …
probabilistic reasoning's viewpoint a causal knowledge about the domain variables …
SemCaDo: A serendipitous strategy for causal discovery and ontology evolution
Within the last years, probabilistic causality has become a very active research topic in
artificial intelligence and statistics communities. Due to its high impact in various …
artificial intelligence and statistics communities. Due to its high impact in various …