Sustainability à la carte: A systematic review of green restaurant research (2010-2023)
This paper delves into the realm of green restaurants, which seamlessly combine
environmentally conscious practices with culinary excellence. It scrutinized 106 reputable …
environmentally conscious practices with culinary excellence. It scrutinized 106 reputable …
What motivates the adoption of green restaurant products and services? A systematic review and future research agenda
Issues regarding green restaurants have received significant scholarly and practitioner
attention in the last decade, particularly concerning why consumers adopt green restaurants …
attention in the last decade, particularly concerning why consumers adopt green restaurants …
[PDF][PDF] Predictors of green purchase intention toward eco-innovation and green products: Evidence from Taiwan
Recently, purchasing intention towards green products has gained global attention due to
their extensive use and high environmental issues. Thus, the current article investigates …
their extensive use and high environmental issues. Thus, the current article investigates …
[HTML][HTML] How environmental concerns influence consumers' anticipated emotions towards sustainable consumption: The moderating role of regulatory focus
DK Maduku - Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2024 - Elsevier
Consumers' concerns about environmental degradation and its impact on themselves,
others, and living organisms are well-documented. However, research has yet to examine …
others, and living organisms are well-documented. However, research has yet to examine …
The way we live, the way we travel: generation Z and sustainable consumption in food tourism experiences
Purpose This research aims to examine Generation Z's perspectives of sustainable
consumption in food tourism experiences, considering the drivers on food tourists' …
consumption in food tourism experiences, considering the drivers on food tourists' …
The effect of social media influencer marketing on sustainable food purchase: Perspectives from multi-group SEM and ANN analysis
Y Wu, S Yang, D Liu - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023 - Elsevier
This study examines the impact of social media influencers'(SMIs) intimate self-disclosure,
environmental concern, and spending self-control on consumers' sustainable food purchase …
environmental concern, and spending self-control on consumers' sustainable food purchase …
[HTML][HTML] Analyzing the food waste reduction intentions of UK households. A Value-Attitude-Behavior (VAB) theory perspective
Food waste is a complex and pervasive issue associated with growing corporate, political
and public concerns. Addressing the issue of food waste is essential to achieve sustainable …
and public concerns. Addressing the issue of food waste is essential to achieve sustainable …
Investigating the impact of restaurants' sustainable practices on consumers' satisfaction and revisit intentions: a study on leading green restaurants
Purpose This study aims at analyzing the impact of green restaurants' sustainable practices
(food safety, food sustainability practices, food quality, and environmental sensitivity) on …
(food safety, food sustainability practices, food quality, and environmental sensitivity) on …
Become an environmentally responsible customer by choosing low-carbon footprint products at restaurants: Integrating the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and …
There is increasing concern over global warming and the negative effects of greenhouse
gas emissions or carbon footprints to the environment. According to the Center for …
gas emissions or carbon footprints to the environment. According to the Center for …
Artificial intelligence acceptance in services: connecting with Generation Z
This paper aims to examine willingness to accept artificial intelligence (AI) devices, focusing
on the so-called Gen Z population. This study presumes that specific knowledge of a …
on the so-called Gen Z population. This study presumes that specific knowledge of a …