Hydrochemical characterization of abandoned quarry and mine water for domestic and irrigation uses in Abakaliki, southeast Nigeria
The Abakaliki area has been renowned for lead–zinc mining and hard rock quarrying, and
these activities generate acid mine drainages (AMDs) and chemical dissolution of minerals …
these activities generate acid mine drainages (AMDs) and chemical dissolution of minerals …
Geochemical assessment of water quality for irrigation in abandoned limestone quarry pit at Nkalagu area, southern Benue Trough, Nigeria
MO Eyankware, VS Nnajieze, CG Aleke - Environmental earth sciences, 2018 - Springer
In the study, the quality of groundwater for irrigation is assessed. The following parameters
were analysed using American Public Health Association standard method: pH, turbidity …
were analysed using American Public Health Association standard method: pH, turbidity …
Characterization and evaluation of the effects of mine discharges on surface water resources for irrigation: a case study of the Enyigba Mining District, Southeast …
Mining activities generate much wastes which degenerate into various geochemical
components and affect the natural composition of surface water resources. They cause Acid …
components and affect the natural composition of surface water resources. They cause Acid …
Factores que inciden en el agotamiento y la contaminación por intrusión marina en el acuífero costero de La Yarada, Tacna, Perú
El acuífero de La Yarada, emplazado en la zona más árida de la costa peruana, se
caracteriza por la escasez de recursos hídricos. Por tanto, desde hace varias décadas se …
caracteriza por la escasez de recursos hídricos. Por tanto, desde hace varias décadas se …
[HTML][HTML] Factors affecting depletion and pollution by marine intrusion in the La Yarada´ s coastal aquifer, Tacna, Peru
Abstract The La Yarada aquifer, located in the Tacna region, is the most arid zone of the
Peruvian coast, characterized by the scarcity of water resources. For several decades this …
Peruvian coast, characterized by the scarcity of water resources. For several decades this …
[PDF][PDF] Hydrogeochemical assessment of chemical composition of groundwater; a case study of the Aptian-Albian aquifer within sedimentary basin Nigeria
MO Eyankware - Water Conservation and Management, 2019 - watconman.org
The research was carried out to evaluate major source influencing chemical quality of
groundwater within suburban area of Abakaliki. A total of twenty one (21) groundwater …
groundwater within suburban area of Abakaliki. A total of twenty one (21) groundwater …
Geochemical study of groundwater using modeling approach in Ojekwe region of southern Benue Trough, Nigeria
In the Ojekwe region of southern Benue, Nigeria, groundwater is the primary source of water
for both home and agricultural use. The underlying geology determines the quality and …
for both home and agricultural use. The underlying geology determines the quality and …
[PDF][PDF] Achieving sustainable use and management of water resources for irrigation in Nigeria
MO Eyankware, EO Igwe, C Ogwah… - … of Environmental & …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Water resource is available in Nigeria to meet water demand for domestic, agricultural and
industrial use. If well enhanced and protected from various source of pollution. However …
industrial use. If well enhanced and protected from various source of pollution. However …
Evaluación ambiental de la cadena de valor agrícola en la producción de aceituna de mesa
PMF Totora, EFF Valencia - INGENIERÍA INVESTIGA, 2024 - revistas.upt.edu.pe
El cultivo del olivo ha sido fundamental desde la antigüedad, pero recientemente enfrenta
desafíos que amenazan su sostenibilidad. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del estudio fue realizar …
desafíos que amenazan su sostenibilidad. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del estudio fue realizar …
Sustentabilidad ambiental de la actividad olivícola en el agroecosistema La Yarada-Los Palos, Tacna, 2022
R Cartagena Cutipa - 2023 - repositorio.upt.edu.pe
Con el objetivo de evaluar la sustentabilidad ambiental de la actividad olivícola en el
agroecosistema del distrito La Yarada-Los Palos, Tacna, se realizaron diversas etapas. En …
agroecosistema del distrito La Yarada-Los Palos, Tacna, se realizaron diversas etapas. En …