Hydrochemical characterization of abandoned quarry and mine water for domestic and irrigation uses in Abakaliki, southeast Nigeria

MO Eyankware, PN Obasi, OO Omo-Irabor… - Modeling Earth Systems …, 2020 - Springer
The Abakaliki area has been renowned for lead–zinc mining and hard rock quarrying, and
these activities generate acid mine drainages (AMDs) and chemical dissolution of minerals …

Geochemical assessment of water quality for irrigation in abandoned limestone quarry pit at Nkalagu area, southern Benue Trough, Nigeria

MO Eyankware, VS Nnajieze, CG Aleke - Environmental earth sciences, 2018 - Springer
In the study, the quality of groundwater for irrigation is assessed. The following parameters
were analysed using American Public Health Association standard method: pH, turbidity …

Characterization and evaluation of the effects of mine discharges on surface water resources for irrigation: a case study of the Enyigba Mining District, Southeast …

PN Obasi, MO Eyankware, BEB Akudinobi - Applied Water Science, 2021 - Springer
Mining activities generate much wastes which degenerate into various geochemical
components and affect the natural composition of surface water resources. They cause Acid …

Factores que inciden en el agotamiento y la contaminación por intrusión marina en el acuífero costero de La Yarada, Tacna, Perú

E Pino, L Ramos, O Avalos, P Tacora… - Tecnología y ciencias …, 2019 - scielo.org.mx
El acuífero de La Yarada, emplazado en la zona más árida de la costa peruana, se
caracteriza por la escasez de recursos hídricos. Por tanto, desde hace varias décadas se …

[HTML][HTML] Factors affecting depletion and pollution by marine intrusion in the La Yarada´ s coastal aquifer, Tacna, Peru

E Pino, L Ramos, O Avalos, P Tacora… - Tecnología y ciencias …, 2019 - scielo.org.mx
Abstract The La Yarada aquifer, located in the Tacna region, is the most arid zone of the
Peruvian coast, characterized by the scarcity of water resources. For several decades this …

[PDF][PDF] Hydrogeochemical assessment of chemical composition of groundwater; a case study of the Aptian-Albian aquifer within sedimentary basin Nigeria

MO Eyankware - Water Conservation and Management, 2019 - watconman.org
The research was carried out to evaluate major source influencing chemical quality of
groundwater within suburban area of Abakaliki. A total of twenty one (21) groundwater …

Geochemical study of groundwater using modeling approach in Ojekwe region of southern Benue Trough, Nigeria

MO Eyankware, EO Igwe, IM Onwe - International Journal of Energy and …, 2023 - Springer
In the Ojekwe region of southern Benue, Nigeria, groundwater is the primary source of water
for both home and agricultural use. The underlying geology determines the quality and …

[PDF][PDF] Achieving sustainable use and management of water resources for irrigation in Nigeria

MO Eyankware, EO Igwe, C Ogwah… - … of Environmental & …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Water resource is available in Nigeria to meet water demand for domestic, agricultural and
industrial use. If well enhanced and protected from various source of pollution. However …

Evaluación ambiental de la cadena de valor agrícola en la producción de aceituna de mesa

PMF Totora, EFF Valencia - INGENIERÍA INVESTIGA, 2024 - revistas.upt.edu.pe
El cultivo del olivo ha sido fundamental desde la antigüedad, pero recientemente enfrenta
desafíos que amenazan su sostenibilidad. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del estudio fue realizar …

Sustentabilidad ambiental de la actividad olivícola en el agroecosistema La Yarada-Los Palos, Tacna, 2022

R Cartagena Cutipa - 2023 - repositorio.upt.edu.pe
Con el objetivo de evaluar la sustentabilidad ambiental de la actividad olivícola en el
agroecosistema del distrito La Yarada-Los Palos, Tacna, se realizaron diversas etapas. En …