Plant secondary metabolites modulate insect behavior-steps toward addiction?
M Wink - Frontiers in physiology, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Plants produce a diversity of secondary metabolites (PSMs) that serve as defense
compounds against herbivores and microorganisms. In addition, some PSMs attract animals …
compounds against herbivores and microorganisms. In addition, some PSMs attract animals …
Cyanogenic glycosides: synthesis, physiology, and phenotypic plasticity
Cyanogenic glycosides (CNglcs) are bioactive plant products derived from amino acids.
Structurally, these specialized plant compounds are characterized as α-hydroxynitriles …
Structurally, these specialized plant compounds are characterized as α-hydroxynitriles …
Molecular mechanisms of insect adaptation to plant secondary compounds
HM Heidel-Fischer, H Vogel - Current opinion in insect science, 2015 - Elsevier
Highlights•Insect–plant coevolution is driven by novel plant chemicals and insect counter-
adaptations.•Allelic variation, gene duplication and over-expression alter herbivore gene …
adaptations.•Allelic variation, gene duplication and over-expression alter herbivore gene …
Edible insects as innovative foods: Nutritional and functional assessments
In the face of rising population, food insecurity is emerging as a global challenge. Nutritious
sources of food are frantically being searched for and so far underutilized food candidates …
sources of food are frantically being searched for and so far underutilized food candidates …
Mechanisms and ecological consequences of plant defence induction and suppression in herbivore communities
Background Plants are hotbeds for parasites such as arthropod herbivores, which acquire
nutrients and energy from their hosts in order to grow and reproduce. Hence plants are …
nutrients and energy from their hosts in order to grow and reproduce. Hence plants are …
Chemical convergence between plants and insects: biosynthetic origins and functions of common secondary metabolites
Despite the phylogenetic distance between plants and insects, these two groups of
organisms produce some secondary metabolites in common. Identical structures belonging …
organisms produce some secondary metabolites in common. Identical structures belonging …
M Bartnik, P Facey - Pharmacognosy, 2024 - Elsevier
Widely distributed in plants, glycosides comprise a large group of secondary metabolites.
Gycosides are structurally diverse and given their proven bioactivities and traditional use …
Gycosides are structurally diverse and given their proven bioactivities and traditional use …
Insect detoxification and sequestration strategies
DG Heckel - Annual Plant Reviews: Insect‐Plant Interactions, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Plants defend themselves from insect herbivores with a vast array of chemical defenses, yet
insects have evolved several mechanisms for detoxifying these and even sequestering them …
insects have evolved several mechanisms for detoxifying these and even sequestering them …
Nitrile biosynthesis in nature: how and why?
M Liu, S Li - Natural Product Reports, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
Covering: up to the end of 2023 Natural nitriles comprise a small set of secondary
metabolites which however show intriguing chemical and functional diversity. Various …
metabolites which however show intriguing chemical and functional diversity. Various …
[КНИГА][B] The ecology and evolution of Heliconius butterflies
CD Jiggins - 2017 - books.google.com
The Heliconius butterflies are one of the classic systems in evolutionary biology and have
contributed hugely to our understanding of evolution over the last 150 years. Their dramatic …
contributed hugely to our understanding of evolution over the last 150 years. Their dramatic …