[PDF][PDF] The power resources approach: Developments and challenges

S Schmalz, C Ludwig, E Webster - Global labour journal, 2018 - mulpress.mcmaster.ca
Instead of dismissing labour as a product of the past, the study of labour has been revitalised
over the past two decades by approaches that emphasise the ability of organised labour to …

Will trade unions survive in the platform economy? Emerging patterns of platform workers' collective voice and representation in Europe

K Vandaele - Emerging Patterns of Platform Workers' Collective …, 2018 - papers.ssrn.com
Via a non-exhaustive map** of various examples in Western European countries, this
Working Paper explores to what extent the collective representation and voice of digital …

[PDF][PDF] European trade unions in a time of crises-an overview

S Lehndorff, H Dribbusch, T Schulten - … Waters: European Trade Unions in a …, 2017 - etui.org
In today's Europe, talking about 'the'crisis can mean many different things. In some countries,
most people would remember the almost-breakdown of the financial system in 2008 …

Workers organizing in the platform economy: Local forms and global trends of collective action

O Rafélis de Broves, M Kang, R Grohmann… - Sociology …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Distinctive features of the on‐demand work platforms made it theoretically improbable for
workers to organize and for collective forms of protest to emerge. Their business model and …

[PDF][PDF] Will trade unions survive in the platform economy

K Vandaele - Emerging patterns of platform workers' collective voice …, 2018 - grupo.us.es
Via a non-exhaustive map** of various examples in Western European countries, this
Working Paper explores to what extent the collective representation and voice of digital …

Trade unions and precariat in Europe: Representative claims

G Meardi, M Simms, D Adam - European Journal of Industrial …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Trade unions have been charged with neglecting labour market 'outsiders', while alternative
actors have emerged to represent these. In response, unions have stepped up their claim to …

[Књига][B] Machtverschiebungen im Weltsystem: der Aufstieg Chinas und die große Krise

S Schmalz - 2018 - books.google.com
China hat einen atemberaubenden wirtschaftlichen Aufstieg erlebt. Das Land fordert heute
die USA und ihre Verbündeten heraus-ökonomisch, militärisch und politisch. Doch der …

Water-related ecosystem services in Western Siberian lowland basins—analysing and map** spatial and seasonal effects on regulating services based on …

B Schmalz, M Kruse, J Kiesel, F Müller, N Fohrer - Ecological Indicators, 2016 - Elsevier
For discussing and planning sustainable land management of river basins, stakeholders
need suitable information on spatio-temporal patterns of natural processes and human …

Klasse gegen Klima? Transformationskonflikte in der Autoindustrie

K Dörre, S Liebig, K Lucht, J Sittel - Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 2024 - Springer
Ökologische Großgefahren wie der Klimawandel betreffen alle, sie ebnen soziale
Ungleichheiten aber keineswegs ein. Die Klassenvergessenheit ökologischer Aufklärung …

[HTML][HTML] Globalization and the German industrial production model

G Herrigel - Journal for Labour Market Research, 2015 - labourmarketresearch.springeropen …
Globalization is transforming the German manufacturing production model. German
manufacturing MNCs are shifting from servicing global demand via exports to a strategy of …