Social rhythm therapies for mood disorders: an update
Social rhythms are patterns of habitual daily behaviors that may impact the timing of the
circadian system directly or indirectly through light exposure. According to the social rhythm …
circadian system directly or indirectly through light exposure. According to the social rhythm …
Traumatic stress and the circadian system: neurobiology, timing and treatment of posttraumatic chronodisruption
Background: Humans have an evolutionary need for a well-preserved internal 'clock',
adjusted to the 24-hour rotation period of our planet. This intrinsic circadian timing system …
adjusted to the 24-hour rotation period of our planet. This intrinsic circadian timing system …
Sleep, circadian system and traumatic stress
The human circadian system creates and maintains cellular and systemic rhythmicity
essential for the temporal organization of physiological processes promoting homeostasis …
essential for the temporal organization of physiological processes promoting homeostasis …
Differential associations between chronotype, anxiety, and negative affect: a structural equation modeling approach
Background Increasing evidence implicates circadian rhythms, including chronotype, in
anxiety symptoms and disorders. However, it remains unclear whether this relation is …
anxiety symptoms and disorders. However, it remains unclear whether this relation is …
Sleep disturbance in posttraumatic stress disorder: epiphenomenon or causal factor?
Abstract Purpose of Review The goal of this review is to integrate recent findings on sleep
disturbance and PTSD, examine sleep disturbance as a causal factor in the development of …
disturbance and PTSD, examine sleep disturbance as a causal factor in the development of …
Sleep in PTSD: Conceptual model and novel directions in brain-based research and interventions
Highlights•Sleep disturbances represent comorbid, rather than secondary, conditions in
PTSD.•A conceptual model reflecting a ongoing paradigm shift is offered.•Evidence-based …
PTSD.•A conceptual model reflecting a ongoing paradigm shift is offered.•Evidence-based …
The bidirectional relationship between positive mental health and social rhythm in college students: A three-year longitudinal study
Social rhythm refers to the general regularity of engaging in basic social activities during the
week, and was found to be associated with individuals' positive mental health. The present …
week, and was found to be associated with individuals' positive mental health. The present …
Social zeitgebers and circadian dysrhythmia are associated with severity of symptoms of PTSD and depression in trauma-affected refugees
The relation of aspects of rest–activity patterns, ie, social zeitgebers, physical activity and
circadian rhythm, to the severity of PTSD and depressive symptoms has not previously been …
circadian rhythm, to the severity of PTSD and depressive symptoms has not previously been …
The bidirectional relationship between sleep and health
Sleep impacts myriad aspects of physical and mental health, daytime function, and quality of
life. While we have solid hypotheses regarding the specific functions of sleep, there is no …
life. While we have solid hypotheses regarding the specific functions of sleep, there is no …
Cognitive behavioral social rhythm group therapy versus present centered group therapy for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder …
Abstract Background Cognitive Behavioral Social Rhythm Group Therapy (CBSRT) is a
chronobiologically-informed group therapy designed to stabilize social rhythms in veterans …
chronobiologically-informed group therapy designed to stabilize social rhythms in veterans …