An infeasible full-NT step IPM for horizontal linear complementarity problem over Cartesian product of symmetric cones
In this paper, we generalize Darvay's technique for linear programming to horizontal linear
complementarity problem over the Cartesian product of symmetric cones, or briefly …
complementarity problem over the Cartesian product of symmetric cones, or briefly …
A long-step interior-point algorithm for symmetric cone Cartesian P*(κ)-HLCP
In this paper, we present a feasible interior-point algorithm for Cartesian horizontal linear
complementarity problems in a new large neighbourhood of the central path. The new large …
complementarity problems in a new large neighbourhood of the central path. The new large …
Full Nesterov-Todd step feasible interior-point algorithm for symmetric cone horizontal linear complementarity problem based on a positive-asymptotic barrier function
We present a feasible full step interior-point algorithm to solve the P∗(κ) horizontal linear
complementarity problem defined on a Cartesian product of symmetric cones, which is not …
complementarity problem defined on a Cartesian product of symmetric cones, which is not …
Improved complexity analysis of full Nesterov–Todd step interior-point methods for semidefinite optimization
GQ Wang, YQ Bai, XY Gao, DZ Wang - Journal of Optimization Theory and …, 2015 - Springer
In this paper, we present an improved convergence analysis of full Nesterov–Todd step
feasible interior-point method for semidefinite optimization, and extend it to the infeasible …
feasible interior-point method for semidefinite optimization, and extend it to the infeasible …
A wide neighborhood arc-search interior-point algorithm for convex quadratic programming with box constraints and linear constraints
M Zhang, K Huang, Y Lv - Optimization and Engineering, 2021 - Springer
In this paper, a wide neighborhood arc-search interior-point algorithm for convex quadratic
programming with box constrains and linear constraints (BLCQP) is presented. The …
programming with box constrains and linear constraints (BLCQP) is presented. The …
A new full-Newton step feasible interior point method for convex quadratic programming
In this paper, we propose and analyse a new full-Newton step feasible interior point method
for convex quadratic programming. The basic idea of this method is to replace a …
for convex quadratic programming. The basic idea of this method is to replace a …
Predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm based on a new search direction working in a wide neighbourhood of the central path
We introduce a new predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for solving P_*(κ)-linear
complementarity problems which works in a wide neighbourhood of the central path. We use …
complementarity problems which works in a wide neighbourhood of the central path. We use …
A new infeasible-interior-point algorithm based on wide neighborhoods for symmetric cone programming
CH Liu, D Wu, YL Shang - Journal of the Operations Research Society of …, 2016 - Springer
In this paper, we present an infeasible-interior-point algorithm, based on a new wide
neighborhood for symmetric cone programming. We treat the classical Newton direction as …
neighborhood for symmetric cone programming. We treat the classical Newton direction as …
Large-neighborhood infeasible predictor–corrector algorithm for horizontal linear complementarity problems over Cartesian product of symmetric cones
We present an infeasible interior-point predictor–corrector algorithm, based on a large
neighborhood of the central path, for horizontal linear complementarity problem over the …
neighborhood of the central path, for horizontal linear complementarity problem over the …
A primal–dual interior point method for a novel type-2 second order cone optimization
In this paper, we define a new, special second order cone as a type-k second order cone.
We focus on the case of k= 2, which can be viewed as a second order conic optimization …
We focus on the case of k= 2, which can be viewed as a second order conic optimization …