Ascent, descent, nullity, defect, and related notions for linear relations in linear spaces

A Sandovici, H de Snoo, H Winkler - Linear algebra and its applications, 2007 - Elsevier
For a linear relation in a linear space the concepts of ascent, descent, nullity, and defect are
introduced and studied. It is shown that the results of AE Taylor and MA Kaashoek …

[KNYGA][B] Spectral Theory of Multivalued linear operators

A Ammar, A Jeribi - 2021 -
The concept of multivalued linear operators—or linear relations—is the one of the most
exciting and influential fields of research in modern mathematics. Applications of this theory …

On regular linear relations

T Alvarez - Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2012 - Springer
For a closed linear relation in a Banach space the concept of regularity is introduced and
studied. It is shown that many of the results of Mbekhta and other authors for operators …

Descent and essential descent spectrum of linear relations

E Chafai, M Mnif - 2014 -
In this paper, we study the descent spectrum and the essential descent spectrum of linear
relations everywhere defined on Banach spaces. We prove that the corresponding spectra …

Partial isometries and generalized inverses of linear relations

Z Garbouj - Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 2023 - Springer
For a closed linear relation everywhere defined on a Hilbert space the concepts of isometry,
co-isometry, partial isometry, and generalized inverse are introduced and studied. Part of the …

Essentially semi-regular linear relations

A Ammar, B Boukattaya, A Jeribi - Facta Universitatis, Series …, 2017 -
In this paper, we study the essentially semi-regular linear relation operators everywhere
defined in Hilbert space. We establish a Kato-type decomposition of essentially semi-regular …

On k -Strictly Quasi-Fredholm Linear Relations

H Bouaniza, I Issaoui, M Mnif - Mathematica Pannonica, 2023 -
New Series 29 /NS 3/ (2023) 2, 204–218 DOI: 10.1556/314.2023.00021 ON 𝑘-STRICTLY …

On the essential minimum and essential surjectivity moduli of linear relations in Banach spaces

Z Garbouj, H Skhiri - Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series …, 2023 - Springer
For a closed linear relation everywhere defined and acting between two Banach spaces the
concepts of essential minimum modulus and essential surjectivity modulus are introduced …

The Baire property and the domain of iterates of a paracomplete linear relation

T ÁLVAREZ, D Wilcox - Journal of Operator Theory, 2011 - JSTOR
The Baire category theorem for operators, concerning the denseness of the intersection of
the ranges of certain sequences of continuous operators in Banach spaces, is generalized …

Positive linear relations between Riesz spaces

M Ayadi, H Baklouti - Positivity, 2016 - Springer
In the present paper we introduce the notion of a positive linear relation and we investigate
the class of such operators. As well as placing the theory of positive operators in a natural …