Reproducibility in the fabrication and physics of moiré materials
Overlaying two atomic layers with a slight lattice mismatch or at a small rotation angle
creates a moiré superlattice, which has properties that are markedly modified from (and at …
creates a moiré superlattice, which has properties that are markedly modified from (and at …
Disorder in van der Waals heterostructures of 2D materials
Realizing the full potential of any materials system requires understanding and controlling
disorder, which can obscure intrinsic properties and hinder device performance. Here we …
disorder, which can obscure intrinsic properties and hinder device performance. Here we …
Correlated insulator and Chern insulators in pentalayer rhombohedral-stacked graphene
Rhombohedral-stacked multilayer graphene hosts a pair of flat bands touching at zero
energy, which should give rise to correlated electron phenomena that can be tuned further …
energy, which should give rise to correlated electron phenomena that can be tuned further …
Spontaneous broken-symmetry insulator and metals in tetralayer rhombohedral graphene
Interactions among charge carriers in graphene can lead to the spontaneous breaking of
multiple degeneracies. When increasing the number of graphene layers following …
multiple degeneracies. When increasing the number of graphene layers following …
Orbital multiferroicity in pentalayer rhombohedral graphene
Ferroic orders describe spontaneous polarization of spin, charge and lattice degrees of
freedom in materials. Materials exhibiting multiple ferroic orders, known as multiferroics …
freedom in materials. Materials exhibiting multiple ferroic orders, known as multiferroics …
Engineering symmetry breaking in 2D layered materials
Symmetry breaking in 2D layered materials plays a significant role in their macroscopic
electrical, optical, magnetic and topological properties, including, but not limited to, spin …
electrical, optical, magnetic and topological properties, including, but not limited to, spin …
The electronic properties of bilayer graphene
We review the electronic properties of bilayer graphene, beginning with a description of the
tight-binding model of bilayer graphene and the derivation of the effective Hamiltonian …
tight-binding model of bilayer graphene and the derivation of the effective Hamiltonian …
Spintronics and pseudospintronics in graphene and topological insulators
The two-dimensional electron systems in graphene and in topological insulators are
described by massless Dirac equations. Although the two systems have similar …
described by massless Dirac equations. Although the two systems have similar …
Dirac materials
A wide range of materials, like d-wave superconductors, graphene, and topological
insulators, share a fundamental similarity: their low-energy fermionic excitations behave as …
insulators, share a fundamental similarity: their low-energy fermionic excitations behave as …
Quantum cascade of correlated phases in trigonally warped bilayer graphene
AM Seiler, FR Geisenhof, F Winterer, K Watanabe… - Nature, 2022 -
Divergent density of states offers an opportunity to explore a wide variety of correlated
electron physics. In the thinnest limit, this has been predicted and verified in the ultraflat …
electron physics. In the thinnest limit, this has been predicted and verified in the ultraflat …